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Everything posted by snoogit

  1. I never bought any small mammals/birds from Meijer... I haven't bought fish there either really (Although the fish I keep are rare African Cichlids anyway, the kind you will not find at your local Meijer.)
  2. Sadly it's useless if you aren't using anything but Firefox or IE... (You can't use the Bird's eye view in Opera, and I think Safari is incompatible as well I haven't tested that.) Although with IE8 I may have to put my current browser in hiatus.
  3. I've heard that some out of state govs are looking to raise the money needed to do overs.
  4. We should plant corn there....
  5. If you include parking this building should be about 13 stories tall by the looks of the rendering.
  6. Oh jeez When I put in my (hard) time at Meijer I never got asked to dial a cell phone! What a rude thing to ask an employee to do, even if you are elderly. Sometmes I wonder if the elderly have just lost all respect for the public, and expect a hand out sometimes...... *Sorry for the venting, but that hits my buttons*
  7. I knew that Hugo Chavez was a crazy man! (it looks like a CGI rendering to me, especially when looking at the edges)
  8. And to the left you can see Dick Cheney, Already grunting because he had to be with that "liberal swine"! *heeerrrrk!* Also Kennedy's exit wound was obviously coming out the FRONT of his head, his brains went forward not backward, if the limo driver shot him, that gooey mess would have been flung behind the car.
  9. I just don't see it lasting too long. Theres been lots of "eco-phases" Plastic Bags, "Earth Ships", the list goes on... I just feel that some buildings will take advantage of having a lawn on the roof, but its adoption will be short lived. Why? while a green roof might not need to be replaced but once every 50 years, it does have to be maintained. So the whole Idea of moving into the city to avoid lawn care has just been thrown out the window. Is the cost of not replacing the roof as often save more money compared to just keeping roofs the way they are, and not having to pay for lawn care, even if theres an eventual replacement in 50 years? I have a feeling that green roofs might be adopted by a few buildings now, and they will be around till the day I die since they last 50 years, and by that time I'll be in my late 70s early 80s. you will see fewer and fewer of them as the reality of keeping a green roof from becoming a jungle roof mount up. I'm all for finding ways to reduce a building's impact on the environment, but green roofs aren't the #1 solution. And what about the added weight of the storm water? green roofs can eliminate store water runoff? that means the weight of that water is added to the roof... while some structures might be able to handle the weight, I'd say a good chunk of structures WON'T.
  10. I'm much more interested in this stuff: http://www.konarkatech.com/ That tech has the potential to make it onto roofs everywhere. (as long as we can let the "green" roof phase pass) And its something like $1.00 sq ft already making it $4.00 sq ft cheaper then current cells.
  11. I think he was thinking more wisconsin and minnesota. Hate to use a sports analogy but Meijer should own the States of the Big 10 conference Michigan, Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania
  12. Thats usually reason enough... although I can't say anything I always end up doing something to miss these events (Like forgetting them)
  13. I'm starting to see now why its going to cost $120 million Thats a biiiig buildin'! edit: there must be more to it, a car doesn't need almost 230 sq ft of storage space.
  14. Riiiiiight... For the arena, and children's museum patrons, not at all for the police officers across the street Although I would support this plan, and endorse it 100%! (Although make it a Krispy Kreme, and you've got my 110% vote)
  15. that does look nice, and I hope that there is some money for an exterior makeover in that budget as well. it would seem odd with that Ramp, and the current airport as it is now would be a clash of architectural styles.
  16. snoogit


    Awesome last second win by the Spartans Last team I expected to win it all.
  17. I think the Van Andels can finally make money off of something besides soap (Thats a joke btw) I hope this spurs some really interesting investment in DT GR...
  18. I like your west-side LRT route I really hope that with any system the city doesn't overlook those of us who happen to live here outside of US 131. Which I fear that the current proposed BRT/Streetcar system lacks a good east to west-side connection.
  19. Kalamazoo Animal shelter too small to handle area strays These stories always hit a soft spot for me, especially when you've had to put a dog down for a deadly incurable illness, you read about perfectly healthy dogs being put down for no reason, and well its not a good feeling you get reading these stories.
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