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Everything posted by pksiv

  1. Just curious, what were you hoping for ?
  2. Not a big fan of SoNo - especially because it stands for "South of North" which is just weird - but the East Village has had that name for a long time.
  3. This is good news, although I think there is a section on the West side that is still an active rail line....
  4. I think it sounds like a cop show from the 70's. Oh, wait... Actually, they can name the project whatever they want but people are still going to call that entire area the East Village.
  5. 1010 is actually Phase I of the 12th & Midtown project.
  6. For $50 Million, it better be an improvement. It'll be interesting to see what the actual exterior color is when it's completed.
  7. I look at the Street Car as a more short-trip option and would certainly prefer MARTA or a Taxi to get to Buckhead from my condo in Midtown. What I would really expect to use a Street Car for is the short 7-12 block trip. Like from 7th Street, where I live, to the High Museum and that area for the many people that live around Colony Square to be able to take it to the Fox etc... I really hope they get started on a phased implementation of it now that they appear to have stopped making it's proposed route longer-and-longer. The route from Downtown to the north end of Midtown should be the easiest to implement because of the straightness of Peachtree in this area and the alternative parallel traffic routes - for the cars until people get used to driving with it.
  8. Here's the question I emailed him "A question has come up on a development forum I participate in and I was hoping you could clear something up for me/us. The website lists the height of the building as 42 stories but the residential/floor plans section lists residences on floors 32-58. There appear to be 16 missing floors." My interpretation of his answer is "The building has 42 stories, but is 580' in height, which is the same height as a 58 story building. The residential units start on the 16th floor, but I'm being intentionally vague as to what we're going to call that floor. What still needs to be answered is what # you will press on the elevator to get off on the 16th floor ? The 42nd floor. I can see the agents having a lot of fun explaining this "logic", I use the term loosely, to prospective buyers. Especially since while it could be argued that the 42nd floor is at the same height as 58 in another building, my guess is 16 is the same just about everywhere. Well, unless you count the fact that the first bunch of floors are parking structure and shorter than the residential floors. Not to mention Atlanta's rolling-hills topography.
  9. While I never expect the "older" Buckhead crowd to walk to the shops etc... I think once the whole Peachtree Blvd project is finish you'll see a lot more people park their car somewhere and walk around for the afternoon/evening.
  10. I sent them an email and here is their response "The building is 580 ft tall and is equivalent to a 58 story building. On most floors, the floor to ceiling height is 13' 4" with several floors being 18'. The residences begin on the 16th floor beginning with unit # 32. I hope this helps you."
  11. BTW: If you haven't heard, or been yet, they've opened a new "Six Feet Under" on 11th Street between Northside & Howell Mill. The rooftop patio has awesome views of the city from Downtown all the way to Buckhead. (On a clear day anyway, probably not today with the smoke.) And there's no cemetery across the street from this one.
  12. Is that where it used to be ? I lived in Atlanta from '83-86, out in Norcross actually, and used to come in to clubs like Confetti, Limelight, Club 112 etc... and when I moved back in 1999, there's no way I would've been able to find where the used to be. I don't think I ever drove so I had no concept of where these places actually were. I'm putting my money on at least some of these places moving to the West side since there's still industrial-type areas around where noise isn't an issue. There's no way you could put Vision in the bottom of a hotel or condo tower without investing some serious money to prevent the bass thumping from keeping the residents awake at night. Down in my neighborhood, I've heard that Loca Luna & McCray's will be closing at the end of the year and while McCray's apparently has a deal to move back into Viewpoint, I can't see Loca Luna doing so.
  13. What ? It's not an airplane where rows of seats can go missing. It's a building. With the exception of skipping the 13th floor, I have never heard of a building skipping floors in the numbering scheme. And certainly not a dozen or more.
  14. I think that plaza is great because it fits in with the street and local area. The plaza's that annoy me are the ones that appear to hide from the street and take up space with no value to the general public. The one they're building over at 999 Peachtree is a good example. I walk by there all the time and it just wasn't inviting.
  15. It would be great to see a current photo from this same vantage point.
  16. The #1 thing they need to do with 999 Peachtree is figure out a way to let people know you can park in the building. When the Grape was in that space you could park for free, at least for a couple of hours, and nobody I talked to knew about it. They always complained about parking.
  17. Might be to cater to more potential buyers. Some might prefer the floor-to-ceiling glass on the left side, others might prefer the more historic style.
  18. Maybe I'm not up on my job descriptions but from the article it says "Also, from February to March, Georgia added 18,500 payroll jobs, primarily in trade and services." I would think that "trade and services" would not be new economy jobs.
  19. Our culture is dying ? Maybe it's "our culture" to be consumers. Maybe that is our role in the world ? Why is that any more insane then any other culture ? No culture is without it's issues. Being a consumer driven society is pretty far down on the list of problems if you ask me.
  20. Looks like Wayne Mason has finally had enough... hopefully something good will be built on this land. Personally, my preference is for at least one good restaurant on Piedmont Park. Right now Park Tavern has a monopoly and I think their food and service suffers because of it. http://www.ajc.com/metro/content/metro/atl...ltlineland.html
  21. +1 Hopefully the "Blueprint" handles what they can do with this side of the building. I'm sure if they had their way, it would be the entrance to the garage, but I don't think Crescent can be used as an alley-way. Novare had this same issue with the original ViewPoint plans which had the only entrance to the garage on Juniper.
  22. I've been reading up on the subject for a few years now and try to read all I can on both side of the discussion so any books you can recommend would be appreciated. My biggest issue with all the doomsday scenarios is they are based on computer models which are repeatedly either proven or just flat out determined to be wrong. When one of these models can accurately predict something even 5 years in the future I might believe them. Another issue I have is that whenever any government has tried to "manage" anything in the environment, they usually end up screwing it up. Read up on the history of the "management" of Yellowstone national park for an example. Now let's get that Streetcar running! ;-)
  23. I know this is off-topic but.... that same scientific community was calling for a pending Ice Age as recently as the mid-70's, which included articles in Time and Newsweek, so please excuse me if I choose to have an open mind about the subject. Contrary to what Al Gore chooses to tell us, the debate is far from over. I still don't drive an SUV and choose to walk or take MARTA whenever possible, and can't wait until the streetcar is running in Midtown. :-)
  24. Hmm.. Where's the oil in Afghanistan ? Serbia ? I for one think the news/media is sensationalist and things aren't as bad as they like to make them out to be. In the 70's we were going to run out of oil before the year 2000 and we were on the verge of an ice age... Whatever sells! Back onto the topic of this board, I prefer living in the city because of the vibrant nature of city life. I love the idea of being able to walk to no fewer the 50 quality restaurants within 15 minutes of my home and hopefully, if the midtown-mile continues to build-out, I'll soon be able to walk to all my shopping destinations as well.
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