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Everything posted by timmay143

  1. I thought this was a little humorous. It is an article from the Tennessean about one of the co-owners of the proposed park and his "shady" past. The article also talks about the park and the pros and cons which most of us already knew. http://www.tennessean.com/apps/pbcs.dll/ar...ONTPAGECAROUSEL
  2. Sweet! And admission is free? Wow! Went to the Smyrna Air Show earlier this year. I need to post some pictures. Thanks for the heads up HSVTiger! edit: Ok, I promised some pictures. Well they are not mine, but a very good friend's photos who went with me to the air show. He's a MUCH better photographer than myself and has a MUCH better camera! Hope you enjoy! http://picasaweb.google.com/remineur/SmyrnaAirshow Oh yeah I forgot to mention that we froze our rear ends off due to a freak cold front that Sunday!
  3. Nice shot. Crazy how that all use to be farmland. Wish they would stack some of those buildings up.
  4. Congrats to the MCCProject!! Hope something grand comes out of this!
  5. Here is something I found over at SkyScraper City courtesy of Insighter. I tried to get the link off the Tennessean's website, but it is archived so I can't get to it. Hope no one minds. Also, Insighter mentioned something about the Harding Place extension to I-40 around the airport. Anyone have any more information on the extension or this new development? Is the extension under construction already? Sorry if this is a little off topic, but I thought it was relavent to the airport. By CHAS SISK
  6. Thanks for all the picture updates, smeagolsfree! Really appreciate it!
  7. Thanks, I thought it was. Yeah, crazy how close they are together.
  8. Is that the Hilton Garden or another hotel going up next to Bristol?
  9. Saw on the news that the airport had some cool new shuttle buses running.
  10. Here it is. 12,000 a month. This is good news. Side note: I like the signs on 40 showing the train station is nearby. I saw them while going to and from knoxville earlier this week. I thought they were a good idea because it constantly reminds people of the commuter train. Not sure how long they have been there. It has been a few years since I made it that way.
  11. I see this as good news and only hope they don't ignore the need for more public and mass transportation.
  12. Thanks to everyone for all the recent photos! Thanks for the link ATLBrian. It would be nice if they didn't tear down those old buildings and re-used them for something else. Oh well.
  13. I thought I would post this link here and let everyone check it out. http://www.themccproject.com/ If you are ever over at the Nashville Charrette forum, you have probably seen it. A few of the members have thrown together their ideas of what the new convention center could look like. This website that they have started shows a 3D model of what they have decided best fits the project. It is only a starting point, and I encourage everyone to look over it with open minds. Feedback I'm sure is welcome as long as it is civil. I think their ideas are great and would be proud to have a center like this. One of the main problems with projects like this is it becomes a big box. I think the idea of having a main plaza in the middle that is wrapped with retail and mixed-use is a step in the right direction. BTW the main hall is located underground which provides for ample opportunity on top.
  14. ^I hate these teases. It will be amazing if he can break ground in the spring.
  15. MTSU update http://media.www.mtsusidelines.com/media/s...e-3150864.shtml
  16. Good thread smeagolsfree. Here is a link to a thread on the Murfreesboro forum discussing some construction/expansion on MTSU's campus. It's kind of old though. I'll try to dig up some stuff. http://www.urbanplanet.org/forums/Murfrees...pus-t28546.html Here's another I found. http://www.urbanplanet.org/forums/MTSU-pro...su+construction I'm pretty sure there is a new health center u/c next to the recreation center and baseball stadium renovations.
  17. Nice! We should compare this one to the one Lexy took awhile back. I think a big difference is the Adelicia. Here's the one I was talking about that Lexy took. Great shot back in Dec. of 2006. You have to scroll down a little to get the pic on this link: http://www.urbanplanet.org/forums/Updated-...l=downtown+pics
  18. I thought this article was relevant. Nothing too major. Just talking about a bus route that is used for people who missed the train that is about to get canceled. http://www.tennessean.com/apps/pbcs.dll/ar...EWS01/802040354 I hope the STAR system works. I think it will be awhile before Nashville becomes a huge alternate transportation city. I think we are moving in the right direction by starting small and being frugal. Even though the first STAR line hasn't been a huge hit, I think gradually things will get going. At least they didn't spend out the wazoo on this leg, and it should boost awareness. I think eventually Nashville will need a combination of BRT, LRT, and commuter rail to meet the needs of the city and region. I did remember reading about how the bus line to and from Murfreesboro had a growing number of riders. This is a good sign. I think they are looking at BRT for Nashville-Murfressboro, which for some of us is dissappointing (because I, like many, believe a commuter train would be great for this leg). However, like I said before, I think starting small, not spending lots of money, and a combination of alternate transportation is the way to go.
  19. Great pics as usual. Wow, the Gulch is going to look amazing soon.
  20. Once again, my utmost thanks goes to you, Chris, for the pics! I really liked the 5th and Main pics. That project looks really good even though it is one of the "smaller" ones at only a few stories.
  21. Beautiful shots Chris! Thanks for sharing! Keep that camera going!!
  22. Thanks for the pictures! The ICON is really impressive looking, and I can't wait to see that part of town once it and a few other of the projects start to finish. My favorite picture is the shot of the Encore and the Pinnacle crane with the ICON and Terrazzo in the background. Very nice!
  23. Once again, GREAT SHOTS!! Thanks for all the pictures and up to date development news!!
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