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Everything posted by RustTown

  1. Random: This is a photo I took almost a two years ago to the week. It was my first attempt at a pano with my camera. It was taken from the BWL elevated earth-covered tanks, and is now the hole to the Cedar Street Solar Array, which upon its completion was the largest solar array in Michigan.
  2. Oh, now you know you're wrong. My original response in this article was to a comment that even other GR members thought was unconstructive and silly. The other was to once again correct a wrong-headed argument. Don't even try to put this on me or MJLO. Everything has been rather civil, anyway. There haven't been any personal attacks upon until your post, which was hardly appropriate.
  3. What's all of this talk, and I've seen in just a few times in the last few posts, about Lansing being within GR's sphere of influence? Lansing is much more closely connected and integrated with the eastern side of the state. Again, Allegiant didn't get snatched up by Metro, because it would have been a duplication. Lansing lost Allegiant because it was too close to Metro. GR is far enough from Chicago and Detroit that it's pretty obvious why GR got Allegiant. When Capital Region is too expensive, Lansingites don't fly out of Ford, they fly out of Metro or Bishop. If you want to argue the spheres of influence, Muskegon, Kazoo and the like are clearly within GR's; Lansing is not. So, please don't make the mistake of arguing this from a sphere of influence viewpoint as to why GR got Allegiant, because that simply isn't the case.
  4. Allegiant left because it's too close to Metro, and because Ford International outbid Capital Region International, not because it was too small. The only way Capital Region International will work squeezed in between Bishop, Ford & Metro is to do what Bishop did and find a specialized niche and to pursue more cargo operations. Ford is a bit more isolated, geographically, so it has a much bigger area to pull from. But, thanks for the needless bashing, anyway.
  5. Taken the same day as above: Over The Park: October 26, 2008 - Looking over Reutter Park from the Townsend Street Parking Structure.
  6. A River Runs Through It: October 25 - Here's a photo I took, yesterday, of the River Trail where it goes beneath the old Michigan Avenue Bridge, which, BTW, is ugly as sin.
  7. Lansing Board of Water and Light Warning Siren - Tested just last week, this siren alerts residents along the Grand River in downtown Lansing to potential breaks and breaches in the Moores Park Dam, upriver. The warnings are announced in both Spanish and English. This particular siren is located in Cherry Hill Park in the southeast corner of downtown Lansing.
  8. I took this one, yesterday:
  9. A really neat photo taken by CaptainJBuilder (http://www.flickr.com/photos/captainjbuilder/), which looks to have been taken from the roof of the Stadium District development (didn't realize it was that all):
  10. A photo I took from the Four Corners area, today:
  11. Not my work. And, please check out the photographers photostream.
  12. Photo by Mario Q. (http://www.flickr.com/photos/marioq/)
  13. There was never any formal proposal to remove the dam (thus making the fish ladder useless), but it gets thrown around every time they inspect the dam. The calls do seem to be gaining more traction in the community, though, especially since there has been a slew of dam removals in the state over the past few years. The North Lansing Dam particularly doesn't make any functional sense, anymore, because not only is it not a power-producing dam, but the pool it created for the Ottawa Street Station isn't needed since that plant has been shut down for 15 years now. Furthermore, removing it is really getting traction with environmentalist, since removing the dam would actually make the river more healthy. Funny that the river was brought up, because I came here to post some photos I took of the very full Grand River the other day: River Trail beneath the Michigan Avenue Bridge North Lansing Dam nearly completely submerged Underwater canoe launch
  14. Yes, that's 496 over the Grand as seen from the River Trail. Found some great photos taken from Oldsmobile Park by Macdane (http://www.flickr.com/photos/macdane/)
  15. Just imagine that view if someone would put something up at the northwest and southeast corners of Adams and Witherell down the block. The whole area directly adjacent to the parks could really be something.
  16. Michigan State Police Headquarters - August 11
  17. Eckert Station Coal Elevator
  18. Are you sure that it wasn't a postcard done before the dome was painted? The dome is naturally the color of the base of the building as both are made out of the same sandstone. The only difference is that the dome was painted white. I have seen some old night pictures of the capitol when it was lined with christmas light-type lights, but beyond that the dome has always shown its true sandstone color (early in its history), or was always painted (later in its history).
  19. RustTown

    Flint Off Topic

    I've always wondered, what are the most widely accepted borders of downtown Flint, particularly to the north? I hear the Hotel Durant always described as being downtown, and I guess in the old days as much as the north river side of the river was built up that must have been the case. But, seeing how it stands now, it would seem that the downtown ends at the river.
  20. Where you take that last photo from, Izzy? Really, those are some great photo subjects.
  21. The city hall, if you ask me, is actually one of the least stark of the differences in HP from its past.
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