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Everything posted by GRCentro

  1. The issue is one of scheduling, not acoustics. The acoustics at Devos Hall are good, if not great. And yes, the performance hall was renovated a couple years ago.
  2. Good luck in Schaumburg, Rizzo. They need your help! I stayed there last weekend. I couldn't find a "city center," but nearly every street reminded me of the Eastbeltline, 28th, and worse. Yikes!
  3. Maybe I don't know enough about the UICA, but I just can't see them working well as a tenant in the City Centre development. I see the UICA as unapolegetically avant garde -- sometimes provocative, sometimes odd, sometimes rowdy, always adventurous. It seems they would be best suited for a space where they could freely spill paint on the floor, play loud music, light things on fire, or, if need be, punch a few holes in the wall. The UCIA is undoubtedly cool, but does it make sense for this type of organization to be a tenant imediately next door to 70 residential condos in a brand-new building? In other words, can an expensive, brand-new building, shared with many other tenants, really allow the UICA the freedom and flexibilty to fuction as they'd like to?
  4. Yessir! It's the big "crome" one. (Awesome photo, civitas!) Enjoy the buttons, Zach.
  5. Holy helluva skywalk! You're right, GRDad, that is very Calatrava-esque. I like it what I can see of that... so far...I think... Perhaps the green spots on the retaining wall are plants? Jet-black, though, isn't the first color one would think to use on a hospital.
  6. Who are you rooting for, TripleG? Argentina lost yesterday. It was a spectacular game though.
  7. That would be awesome! I'd like to see the crumbly bridge between DeVos Place and the Ford Museum replaced.
  8. Whoops. I think I mistakenly made that too cryptic while trying to insert another bad joke about Detroit football. No gorillas yet.
  9. They don't have the neccesary funds for the full expansion yet. Everybody pull out your checkbooks. There is some progress, however. If you like the king of the jungle (not of the Detroit variety), you'll love the zoo by '08.
  10. ^ I heard La Famiglia for the first time at Festival and am already a fan. I can't wait to see them again!
  11. Can tickets be purchased at any of the stops?
  12. Wow, thanks joe. That is almost unbelievable!
  13. Nice photos GRDad! So, I'm guessing you found the spare key under the mat?
  14. Wow, that is very interesting. Thanks civitas! What prevented this plan from coming to fruition?
  15. According to the sign on the building, "Wing Heaven" will be coming to Eastern and Alger.
  16. Parade of Downtown Living, anyone? http://www.grmag.com/images/06ParadeDowntown.pdf
  17. I agree! GRDadof, your photographic style keeps getting better and better. (Though be warned! I plan on supplying some competition soon. )
  18. And then there were two. Best seat in the house.
  19. Holy heavy fog! I can barely see across the street.
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