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Everything posted by brokenraven

  1. I still wonder if this is part of some big headquarters relocation that we don't know about yet.
  2. Uptown (and Charlotte in general) must be doing a lot better than I'd assumed. What with all the luxery residential towers and hotels going up, it must be. Forgive me, I don't actually live in Charlotte, I just like to visit when I can.
  3. This is just an interesting article I found in regards to the trump development in Charlotte: http://www.bizjournals.com/charlotte/stori...4/tidbits1.html. I wonder if this is of any concequence.
  4. I believe Chapel Hill and Carrboro have such laws in place, if I'm not mistaken.
  5. Hopefully. I don't know how much longer I'll be able to take this. I have heard, though, that good things come to those that wait.
  6. I didn't think it was a very good idea either, but it seems I heard it from somewhere. I believe I read it in the Charlotte Bizjournal.
  7. If the Trump project is supposed to complement the new Wachovia tower, I wonder to what extent they will actually be similar to each other (assuming the Trump project is built).
  8. Yeah, I didn't think the site looked big enough to fit any more than 6.
  9. Is it even legal to say "Hard Rock Cafe" and "Trump" in the same sentence?
  10. Question: how big of a theater could you fit into that amount of space?
  11. I think Saks Fifth would be nice. And I know it's dreaming big, but I would like to have Marc Jacobs in Charlotte.
  12. I wonder if this project could take some high-end retail out of Southpark Mall and put it where it belongs (in downtown).
  13. I would trade all the stores at South Park for one Marc Jacobs.
  14. True, I know almost no details about either project so perhaps I shouldn't have said that.
  15. I assume this means Trump probably isn't building here.
  16. Both of those sound like good options to me.
  17. I've never seen the new parking decks. Can anyone post some pics?
  18. There's obviously a crystal ball store I've been missing out on. Can someone post directions?
  19. Trump building in Charlotte still seems too good to be true, but if it does happen it will definitely be nice for the city.
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