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Everything posted by jfuptown

  1. Does anyone know if it is illegal or a traffic violation to stop in the middle of a cross walk instead of at the white line? I am really sick of close calls when walking to and from work in Uptown. People seem to think it
  2. jfuptown

    The Vue

    No more trees and a 10ft deep hole on part of the site. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2041/149145...5896e4d14_o.jpg
  3. jfuptown

    The Vue

    Onsite activity: This morning there is a group of about 5 or 6 walking the site and reviewing the building plans. Looks like construction could start soon. ???
  4. I really like the idea of a small amphitheater. Even though it's indoors, something like the amphitheater and fountain at the Operyland Hotel in Nashville would be awesome. It would be really unique. http://www.gaylordhotels.com/gaylordopryland/360s/delta_atrium_low.cfm http://www.gaylordhotels.com/gaylordopryland/tour/tour_delta.cfm The fountain puts on an hourly show shooting up to 85 feet in the air. Then at night it's done with lights in a way that the fountain looks like a fireworks show. Additional photos I found on the web: http://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=402361455&size=o http://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=402360586&size=o
  5. The latest 210 news letter indicates that the building is 89% sold.
  6. A couple photos from this evening:
  7. A couple photos from this evening:
  8. It's really sad that another person died in an accident on 77. Is it me or are drivers in Charlotte out of control? Just tonight, I almost smashed into someone Uptown who stopped at a stop sign then decided to pull out just in front of me. (Im thankful for anti-lock brakes) Two weeks ago my co worker was almost killed as a passenger in a car on 77 that was side swiped then spun out of control smashing into the median... and the other car never even stopped. Is everyone just too stressed and not paying attention? What can be done to encourage better driving habits?
  9. I believe they had said construction would start this summer. It
  10. What are the thoughts on Trump Chicago? (www.trumpchicago.com) I could see a building like that in Charlotte. Don't know about 92 stories, but the same general design.
  11. You can use the form on the Novare website or web or call the Avenue sales office 704.887.0588 (ph) http://www.novaregroup.com/portfolio_o_charlotte.html
  12. jfuptown

    The Vue

    Im not sure if it has anything to do with ground breaking, but there's a crew and bobcat on the sliver of land that the Vue wanted to use for the cement pumps. It connects the Vue site to 6th street. They're digging things up and cleaning out some of the brush along the property line bordering the Fire Museum. Humm?
  13. jfuptown

    The Vue

    Anyone know the latest on the VUE? I noticed this morning that there is a new sign at the corner of 5th and Pine. It was put up a few weeks ago, but then taken down after 24 hrs. Now it
  14. Latest news - tonight - Novare is donating $1 million for the new Uptown Park. http://www.wsoctv.com/news/11149547/detail.html I think this is great news, that will benefit Uptown, and further demonstrates Novare's commitment to the community.
  15. Tomorrow's a big day, the old Duke Power building is scheduled to be imploded @ 7:30 am. I'll still be sleeping, but hope someone captures some good photos. Not sure if this is what your looking for but there is info on the Novare site under news. Novare Group Intensifies Focus on Third Ward
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