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Everything posted by DPK

  1. What used to be on the site that it now requires remediation? Whatever building was there looks to have been razed in 1991/92.
  2. Looks like there's a clock, but it's hard to make out.
  3. I actually like the Clarion. I also use it as a navigation point when I get lost downtown, lol. The interiors really aren't that bad and I think they recently upgraded some things. That empty lot next to them has always bothered me though. What's the story on it?
  4. In regard to old Union Station, go here: http://www.waymarking.com/wm/details.aspx?...8e-7aba3a4a5e53 For some great pictures past/present of different rail buildings in Raleigh: http://www.pwrr.org/nstation/raleigh.html
  5. I went last year and had a blast. This year it is more of a planned event and I'm impressed so far with things. The facebook group alone has almost 1700 "confirmed guests" to it with about 3000 "maybe" responses. I think the group from last year averaged about 500. If we actually do get around 1000 people out there this year, I really think this might be on the way to a new tradition. Then every year the growth could increase. This is all theoretical, lol.
  6. See, now that's what I'm talking about. Now throw a plane in the mix and we have a transportation tri-fecta in the works.
  7. I agree 100% with you. I would like to see some history tied into these buildings a bit. I mean the old rail freight crane at the entrance is great and all, but carry that theme a bit more inside the buildings. I want someone to step up, take a cabose and put it inside of a building damnit, lol. Now that'd be different.
  8. I like it in the buff. * giggity * j/k
  9. I think my friends and I are the only people giving The Hurricane business. They were there on Saturday and were the only people in there while they were there. I went there Tuesday night this week and I was the only person in the bar with 2 good looking bar girls. They told me that they have advertised a little, but could probably do better. I asked how late they were going to be open and they said until 2am but if it kept up like it was probably like 10pm or so. I think their problem is that for a sports bar, it's "too perfect". My roommate and I were talking about it tonight as we're going to go up with some friends tomorrow night for some of their 25 cent wings. The Hurricane is clad with stainless, the tv's are all in perfect locations, the bathroom is almost too fancy if that's believable. The sink in there is one of those nice glass bowls sitting on the counter, something you'd expect in a "fancy" bar/club. I go to a sports bar and assume things to be a bit "manly". All that said, they just need to advertise more and put up a bigger sign or something. You'd almost never know it was there if you weren't looking for it. Oh well, more 25 cent wings for me. Anyone interested in having an UrbanPlanet themed sports night and go there and watch a game?
  10. I agree with orulz in regard to the future of what's going above the deck. Also those renderings released are beautiful and I'm looking forward to this project progressing!
  11. I really don't understand what's so difficult about roundabouts, I like them. It's a road that just happens to loop around. When you roll up to it you look to the left, if nobody is there, you move on forward. I can't say how much time I've wasted sitting at the Pullen light wanting to make a right onto Hillsborough. It takes forever to cycle. Just wait until all the old women start to come across these things, accident city. Traffic tied up for hours.
  12. Any room for outdoor seating? I don't know if there's the sidewalk space as I haven't been over there in a while.
  13. Thanks! I'm going to have to check both of those out this week. The citysearch reviews for Nur Deli are positive all around. I did a quick google and found a review of Niro's online. Looks like Niro's is a chain restaurant, I'm intrigued. http://www.knoxnews.com/news/2006/Nov/24/g...ws-niros-gyros/
  14. I went to the Greek festival today and now I'm having cravings for gyros. I have two options: wait a year for another festival, or find a Greek restaurant. Really I'm looking for gyros. Does anyone know of a good place in the Glenwood/Downtown/Cameron Village area that makes gyros? Some place that isn't that expensive but a good quick-stop-lunch destination? I've actually been sitting her scouring the internet for a good recipe to make my own. I'm in withdrawal.
  15. I was there and the attendance was indeed bad. It was a good effort though, I'll give them that, to try and get people out on the street. I talked to a representative from the Hillsborough Street Partnership and he told me this is the first year they attempted this. They are looking for people to get more involved to help with things in the future. The problem that I think plagued this event was poor advertisement. I don't think enough students knew what was going on and enough people in the surrounding area. I felt like it was put together "last-minute" with not enough businesses really giving a crap to even participate. Sure there were some tents out there, but when I walked by I really didn't see many of the businesses on the street actively trying to get people's interests. Everything was sort of shoved down toward the stage side of the closed part of the street. If you're going to go after college students, you need to show them stuff that is going to hold their attention. To sum up, good effort but could have been executed better.
  16. Glenwood South is becoming synonomous as a place to "go out" at night. While it does get a lot of day usage, it can be really packed with people Thurs-Sat. You are also right in the assumption of higher rents. You are going to find that if you want to open up a business on that street in the now/future, you need a unique business idea that will get you customers. Just my personal opinion here. I also agree with Rob, it's about where people go to shop. I'm more inclined to go to Cameron Village, get a parking spot, and be able to shop at a bunch of stores.
  17. Looks like this topic is going to be fairly dormant for about a year then. I'm glad there's definite progress on this though.
  18. I just got back from Capital City and it was a good experience. The staff is extremely friendly. They have signs up everywhere that say there is more coming soon and when I checked out, the items I purchased (wine and mustard, odd combo I know) wouldn't ring up when scanned. They are still working out the bugs apparently. Also I asked one of the employees about the meat section in the back (as it's currently mostly empty) and they said that the meat is being trucked in tomorrow. So I'm assuming that they should be stocked somewhat better by Friday. I'll definitely go back again soon. If for anything, the great customer service.
  19. ERJ170 and RDUairport are on the right track with this. There's no real reason to demo the big blue monster outside of the exterior is ugly arguement. I'm sure that in about 25-30 years you might see it happen, but not until all of the gates are maxed out and another renovation cycle occurs after the upcoming one. When both space requirements and a renovation arguement dictate that demolition is a more feasible solution, it will happen. I'm sure RDU officials have weighed all the factors and know what they are doing.
  20. Haha, it's scary how right you are about that.
  21. RDU International is fine. Let's not lengthen things.
  22. source: http://www.newsobserver.com/news/story/607110.html I stopped by today to check things out and there were quite a few people there. There are only about 8 parking spots and they were all full, which is my only gripe. There's a ton of parking along Campus Drive however. I didn't have my camera with me, but I'm going to try and take some pictures and post them. It really looks great to see it open again! Going to break out the tackle box this week and see what I can get there.
  23. Not just location, myself as well as hundreds of other college students go there in caravan due to the half priced sushi on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Can't beat it; going there tonight actually, lol.
  24. This picture hurts my eyes, soooo bright, going blind.
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