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Posts posted by Pieson

  1. well hot damn

    an article that is actually postitive and supports our 3 venue deal

    we vote people into office that make desicions that most of us are not informed or educated enough to make

    and I also agree with the last part of that article, we need to toughen up against the "big box" problem

    excellent article from the sentinel

  2. there has already been a ton of donations and investments into the OPAC

    seems to me we just need to get our panties out of a knot and build these things

    to make money you have to spend money

    and these things will indeed bring in money to the orlando area

    lord knows if the arena gets built in its planned location, I will without a doubt spend time in the city before or after the games.

    seriously, build these damn things already

  3. but a tokyo-type ultra modern really doesn't fit in with the feel of the city

    we are a newer city, but still def. have a classier look and feel

    we need a pedestrian friendly classy feel, that encourages population and high traffic

    something has to go there, lets just see how it works out


    as you can see, there is a lot of room to work with

  4. glad that someone get the ideas...

    Nashville copy something from Greece and Universal copy from Portofino. NYC has the arch at the washington square. They all instantly become a popular place.

    Orlando can copy from SOHO or SOBE or they can copy a section of Paris old building here. But it probably cant be called Creative Village and have to settle with Innovative Village.

    ill say an amen to that

    my dream would be to see a paris or amsterdam copy put in there

    real classy old world european feel to it, garuantee it will be an instant sucess

    what cha think of something like this


  5. They can just do a replica of SOHO or South Beach Art Deco district block by block and it will instantly become a hip place. After all, we are famous for building fake stuff and make it better than the origin. Have Disney design the block.


    actually I like that idea


    there is a ton of prime real estate just sitting there begging to be turned into something great

    I dont see why this would be such a "pipe dream".... what is being proposed here is nothing that elaborate or crazy

    and in all honesty I that would be pretty swank to have disney put in a mainstreet here.....think of the possibilities


    now if we can only get rights to the castle...

  6. lets wait to see the arena and OPAC get built and the current arena taking down first

    I of course am a big supporter of this project, and from what iv seen of the concepts and layout, this would probably be where I would want to move

    lets make it happen baby

  7. F the vote

    that is sucky as hell

    if we vote it down that will only highlight how culturally and progressively backward we are

    not a good thing to do

    we vote for politicians to make the decisions that we are probably not best informed to make

    that is the way our government works

    damn I really hope they dont send this to a vote.....but if there is one thing we can count on is that the people who would vote against it turn out in very low numbers....or so im assuming

  8. I will add this: If any of these venues becomes self-sustaining in their own right, it means that we went cheap and lost sight of what the real value of these venues could be ... and probably are not reaping the return on investment that we could be if appropriately funded.

    I agree

    they better do them all right and better not cut any corners

    we want top of the line venues that will last us a long while

  9. well the point of building(renovating) these new venues is to attract more shows/performers/games and give us more renown.... and thus more booked events=more money=lowers the money lost on cost of operation=profit

    more or less

    as it sits right now the citrus bowl hasn't gained a profit since the XFL was here

    where the venues really shine through are on other parts of the economy, which gets a big boost when there is an increase in foot traffic

  10. lets see what this ad campaign does for orlando

    I would love to see an explosion along I-drive

    and in all honesty I would be thrilled to see casinos allowed along the I-drive corridor

    imagine what that would do to the area, you would really have something for everyone

  11. I really hope they keep the Dr. Phillips PAC....has a real sense of class to it as compared to "carnival" or "amway"

    however, I really had a feeling it was only a matter of time before disney stepped up to the plate, I expect to see this donation really push them towards the top, and hopefully even trigger an early construction

    I've been saying it for a while now, I fully expect the OPAC to come to fruition not only before the other projects but before projected timeline. I am incredibly excited about this project. What it will do for downtown will be truly incredible

  12. I think a lot of people are becomming pesimistic due to all the reason talks and speculation of slow downs and the "end" of our construction boom and ghost city talk


    I really hope our downtown area continues to boom, lord knows the second an affordable place opens up, i'll be moving down there

  13. yea, the humidity takes some getting used to if ur not used to it, but after a few days its not so bad as long as you are dressed right

    but welcome to the board, hope you enjoy yourself while your here....

    Shortly after you come here I should be doing a UK tour, so maybe i'll end up in your neck of the woods

    I love the neighborhoods, cities and communities over there.....just waiting for American's to catch on that we need to stop surburbon sprawl and soon(yep im going to gripe about it agian, if you couldn't tell my disdain for suburbon sprawl)

    all the same, what do you plan on doing down here merlin

  14. This is an organization that is in the process of going national, but works with homeless individuals by providing housing and job opportunities. It's a much healthier solution than simply warehousing homeless people.

    Homeless Solution to Keep Orlando Beautiful

    Are they planning to help out with the homeless from orlando?

    I'm glad people are finally starting to realize that just giving them free homeless shelters doesn't do much at all to help the homless. Capitalism drives everything.....give them jobs and oppurtunities to succeed

    thats the one thing that bothers me about downtown are the panhandlers and people sleeping on the street

  15. I would definately not buy a unit in that building right now even if i could afford it, the prices are to high. I think they are higher than tradition towers. I have a feeling that there are way to many expensive condos on the market in this town right now, i dont think that some of these projects are gonna get off the ground, like Monarch, TT, or maybe even Eola Place. We walked around the Sanctuary today as well and that building looks almost vacant. I believe orlando is building a ghost town and if they dont start building some affordable units downtown the construction will stop for good. There was a sign posted on the Paramount Fence limited amount of units still available, and 101 Eola still has units available too it seems.

    Perhaps we can start a new thread on that issue

    Thats the exact thing stopping me from moving downtown.....lack of homes that cater to the middle class

    Is there anything that can be done to help bring some of us in?

  16. Considering the fact that there is much debate and controversy over the new arena, PAC and stadium renovations based on the supposed fact that there is a decline in tourism that might lead to a tax inflow issue, is this in fact true?

    Has attendance here really dipped low enough that hoteliers and county officials are worried about the income that will come in based on the tax?

    Considering all the new hotel projects coming, is the dip an exaggeration or a valid concern?

    well orlando just invested I believe 76 million big ones on a mega advertising campaign. And I do believe our tourism is doing just fine. Especially with the whole orlando area thriving with fantastic new areas.

    I really expect and hope to see a spike in tourism and more construction on the I-drive area.

    It would be fantastic to add I-drive as a viable spot to visit on its own.

    There has been constant back and forth arguments on the Triple crown issue for a while.

    But from what I can gather, I dont see the hotel tax issue as an actual impediment to the success of this project. I fully expect to see it completed by its 2010 projected deadline. Especially the OPAC, that has more legs than these other projects.

  17. ok, you know what? its this kind of mindset that keeps orlando at bay when it comes to eventually becoming a real city, IMHO. if you go to a major city, one that has established sports facilities, people park and walk to the venue. thats just standard. and because of this, all of the area around the facility starts booming due to all the foot traffic. sports bars, restaurants, shops, cafe's, etc. what do they want, a friggin series of parking lots named after 7 dwarves for God's sake??? ...like walking three blocks from orange ave would be SOOOO difficult!!? :shok: all of the sports venues that come to mind that have huge parking moats surrounding them were all built in an era when veunes were being built away from the city centers. now the venues are returning to where the action is. one of the worst things about the existing orlando arena is the huge sea of parking surrounding it. it makes it feel so far from urban to me. i just don't get their argument. talk about "WHINE and cheese"

    what I found funny about the article is the fact that some one was quoted as saying they dont want people to have to walk all the way from orange avenue

    seriously now, have we become that lazy as a society?? can't bear to walk 5 minutes

    infact most parking is withing that designated 5 minute radius that is highlighted by city planners......sigh

    just build these damn things already!!

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