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  1. Hello, I'm a long time lurker on the site, but it's funny that the Peace Center remodel is what prompted me to respond. As someone who has performed in the Peace Center and attended many performances there, I think this remodel is needed and appropriate to the original design of the building. The lobby is entirely too cramped, and this glass addition will open it up considerably. I'm a fan of the glass, because it will do relatively little to change the appearance of the building -- the bones of the old building will still be quite present. I think the Peace Center is a beautiful building and a great asset to the city, but I have to be honest that it's a little "heavy" to look at... especially when viewed from the side (like when looking at it from Riverplace). All you see is this giant wall of red brick towering over everything else. I don't think this design will detract from the waterfall fountain, or from the sidewalk space either. I think this addition is very clean and actually pretty modest. I give it two thumbs up!
  2. Hi Everyone. This is difficult to write as I find it hard to talk about something that affects me on a very personal and gut level. I would like to ask everyone to open their hearts and vote "No" to the ammendment that would ban gay marriage. I am from SC and I love it very much. It depresses me that the issue of gay marriage has essentially evolved into an issue of right and wrong in this state. What is truly lacking is level headed discussion between the two parties. I know that it is difficult to sway the opinions of those who see being gay as an immoral lifestyle. What can I say? Being gay is no more or less immoral than the heterosexual lifestyle. Some straight people are honest, caring, and good people. Some are not so nice. Gay people are exactly the same. Some are good people and some are not-- But the bottom line is that either straight or gay, we are all still people. Does anyone choose to be straight? That question is rarely up for debate. I think most heterosexuals just say that there was never a question. But for some reason, many people assume that gay people are straight people who somehow lost their way. Whether or not I can convince anyone that I personally never consciously chose to be gay instead of straight, does it really matter? Being gay is not a disease and letting two people who love each other get married is a good thing. I get so frustrated when those who teach about tollerance and understanding are so unwilling to even discuss the possibility of accepting gays. Again, what is lacking is honest communication. Straights do not live the "straight lifestyle" and gays do not live the "gay lifestyle." I know this is probably a rambling message, but please, have a heart. Vote no. Thank you.
  3. Hi! This is my first time posting, although, (ha ha) I've been following this blog now for many months. Great pics g man! Since I rarely get to go to Greenville these days, I really appreciate pics like yours that let me see the progress of these great new developments.
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