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Everything posted by webbage

  1. A few pictures from around Cathedral Square, mainly showing what the city should fix. I mean, some of it might take some work, but would it kill the city to buy, oh, I don't know, maybe 10 bottles of Roundup to get rid of the weeds?
  2. I realized that as I was talking to Matt. Over 10 more gates. Woo!
  3. Excellent! Where did you get these? I can't believe how big the airport complex will be if/when the terminal expansion happens.
  4. Are the renderings on the Channel 10 website? I haven't seen them.
  5. w00t! On a slightly related topic, the terminal rennovations seem to be getting pretty involved. I can't wait to see the finished product!
  6. Please see this thread regarding the expansion: http://www.urbanplanet.org/forums/index.ph...ic=23191&st=100 It is undecided if/where an extension would take place. You can see some of the possible plans here: http://www.vhb.com/pvd/eis/techstudies.asp
  7. Well here's a slightly different viewpoint of the city. One of my friends just went flying this morning.
  8. Glad they've finally started then. My dad was there a couple weeks ago and he said he didn't notice any changes. Hopefully the train station will start soon. This thing has been hurry up and wait for years. Thanks for the info! Dan
  9. Just a question, has this project (including the train station) started at all yet? Wasn't there supposed to be a ground breaking awhile ago, or am I missing something? On a slightly related topic, have the terminal rennovations started yet as well? Cheers, Dan
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