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I assumed it would be nice, but I had no idea how amazing those views are. Think about how much more they will be with Vue to the north and the Novare and Wachovia projects to the south. That is even more reason Furman should have swapped more of the south facing EFIS walls for glass.

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I am completely fine with this building. I think the only part I dislike are the very top of the back. I certainly wish there were more glass on the back, but it is still looking okay up until the last few floors at the top.

I cannot fathom why they thought it was okay to not shield the HVAC equipment on the roof! I also don't understand why the penthouse unit wouldn't have glass on the top floor facing that direction. There is no need for a blank wall at that level. Why not have that level as glass and and then the decorative top being a shield of the HVAC and the roof.

Oh well. I do think it that it is mostly fine. It actually looks great in some skies.

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Sorry to be a sourpuss but I find myself liking Trademark less and less as it is completed.

When the blue glass started going up, I was excited about the building. Seemed like it would be a true landmark for the city.

But then as time went on, the awkward backside starting becoming apparent and the offbeat gray color started looking confusing. And to make matters worse, the "fin" and the spire turned out to be too small in scale for the tower.

I think the old quip is appropriate here "Close but no cigar".

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I have a feeling there is a disconnect here between schooled architectural critics and laypeople on this one. I think everybody, even residents, universally found Courtside's back to be horrible. This one, however, seems to have the average joe (I'll count myself in that as far as architectural analysis) very pleased, even with the back. I have talked to numerous random people, and everyone loves the building. A few have even been talking about the back as though it was the front, and still loved it.

I wonder what it is about this that has regular people fine with it, but real architectural critics not fine with it. Charlotteman, I am counting you as a more astute observer. Are you able to figure out, though, why there is that disconnect? Why are you still disappointed with this one, but average observers love this building?

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Count me in with the average joes, I suppose. Once the parking lot on the backside is developed (presumably with something tall enough to cover the blank wall) I think this tower is going to be a nice complement to its surroundings on both sides. It's not the absolute best Charlotte has to offer, but nobody expected it to be THAT good. It's got a nice-looking profile and adds some color to its end of the skyline.

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