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Is it OK to drink Oberon from a wine glass?

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You've had wine with dinner, then switch to Oberon for after dinner activities. Is it kosh to pour your Oberon into your wine glass? This is a large wine glass, not a wussy teeny wine glass.

Any help or links would be appreciated.


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Is this one of those questions you ask so you don't look embarrassed preforming a social faux pas in front of the guests? I keep reading Oberon on Urban Planet and some folks at work were talking about how great it is. Sorry I didn't add to the conversation -- stuff reminds me of Web 2.0.

Ah thanks Grandrollerz. There are times after dinner where you want to fit in with the wine drinkers, but need your Summertime Oberon fix, and don't necessarily want to stand out (or get a new glass out of the cupboard) or drink straight from your Oberon bottle.

These are like 16 oz wine goblets (no wiezen glasses available). I'm thinking it's OK.


Hey, a subject I can talk about with authority! ;-)

Yeah, a wine glass is "OK." You'll get a better experience with a true weizen glass which will retain the head better and concentrate the aromas.

American Wheat Ales - BeerAdvocate (look along the right-hand side for food pairings and glassware suggestions)

Glassware Guide - BeerAdvocate

(While we're at it, Grand Rapids Beer Guide)


I would suggest drinking it out of a pint glass, sans orange. The orange wrecks it. I want my oberon to taste like oberon, not orangey oberon.

I would suggest drinking it out of a pint glass, sans orange. The orange wrecks it. I want my oberon to taste like oberon, not orangey oberon.
You've had wine with dinner, then switch to Oberon for after dinner activities. Is it kosh to pour your Oberon into your wine glass? This is a large wine glass, not a wussy teeny wine glass.

Any help or links would be appreciated.



Speaking of wine glasses, ever see those wine glasses they have at groskopfs that hold an entire bottle of wine? Maybe you should use one of those.

EXACTLY one of those :shok: ..

Please don't tell me that's a recent picture.. like a few minutes ago. Not nice for those of us stuck behind a desk for another couple of hours :D

:lol: No, its from last year. To be honest, I didnt care for the mini-keg. It only took me a couple days to drink it, but it went flat pretty fast. I probably wouldn't buy another one unless it was for a party-type situation where it would get consumed in a day or less. But it sure does look cool!

Oberon should be drunk directly from the tap. Skip the glass.

And, for the record, Larry Bell told me personally that he drinks Oberon with or without an orange slice, depending on his mood. I generally like it with the slice, but am not super-picky.


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