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Main and Temple garage


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Right, but the garage is going to be masked pretty well (at least they are according to the renderings on cceda.state.ct.us) and behind the building is where the "Town homes" are supposed to be. I think this project, while not as aesthetically pleasing as it was promised is another big piece of the puzzle for downtown's rejunenation.

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h21 is being delivered as promised - on time, and exactly like the renderings.


Isn't that Sam Fingold's building?

Why yes, it is old Sammy's place. You know, the guy from Hartford that bought the Penguins but would rather move them to..... Kansas City...

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This develoment also involves Marc Levine and Phil Shonberger - two long time Hartford developers. From what I hear, this project was mostly funded with public money which is how many old school Hartford developers like to work. Shonberger was the developer who despite getting the tax breaks he was seeking and securing a major tenant for Rennaissance Place, still couldn't pull it off. Because they saved a historic building in Sage Allen and because the city was funding new housing, they were heavily funded for this project by the city and state which is why I find the new "dormitory style" facade facing Main St. to be so disappointing as opposed to what we were shown in original renderings. Their public funding should be pulled for not delivering what the taxpayers thought they were paying for.

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This develoment also involves Marc Levine and Phil Shonberger - two long time Hartford developers. From what I hear, this project was mostly funded with public money which is how many old school Hartford developers like to work. Shonberger was the developer who despite getting the tax breaks he was seeking and securing a major tenant for Rennaissance Place, still couldn't pull it off. Because they saved a historic building in Sage Allen and because the city was funding new housing, they were heavily funded for this project by the city and state which is why I find the new "dormitory style" facade facing Main St. to be so disappointing as opposed to what we were shown in original renderings. Their public funding should be pulled for not delivering what the taxpayers thought they were paying for.

I agree 1000000%. While some accept the building as progress, I call shenanigans on it. They get floated a golden handshake and still can't come through with the stellar building they promised. I hope shiester-developers like these guys get run out of town, and guys like Larry G, David Nyberg, and whatever the guys name is that bought the BoA building get the keys to the city. I'm so sick of the old-school "You fill my pockets, I'll fill yours" attitudes in this city. It's refreshing to see some of the new blood around here. Hopefully it will be at the expense of the old blood....

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Just walked by the front of the building - it really does look kinda cruddy. Why did they cheap out? Those brown squares look like they belong on the ground or in a lobby, not on the walls! They should have at least used real brick, or matched the old SageAllen light-colored brick.

I will pass judgement on this project until it is completed... I guess I have some hope that it will still come out as promised... Other projects have, look at Trumbull on the Park and Hartford 21; both as drawn... CCEDA

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^ That in and of itself is shady. Makes you wonder what the true intent was here since parking is the most profitable use of real estate downtown. Cronyism at its worst.

redbaron - its not going to come out as promised. Just look at the original rendering. The details aren't there. They didn't even use the same building materials. The buildings flanking Sage Allen look like college dorms.

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^ That in and of itself is shady. Makes you wonder what the true intent was here since parking is the most profitable use of real estate downtown. Cronyism at its worst.

redbaron - its not going to come out as promised. Just look at the original rendering. The details aren't there. They didn't even use the same building materials. The buildings flanking Sage Allen look like college dorms.

They are college dorms, aren't they?

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