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CTC in Charlotte


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I have a coupla of Questoin

1. When the Light Rail is built down south blvd are the buses going to become feeder buses instead of City and county buses or are they going to stay the same because this will really change the buses in charlotte getting rid of a lot of bus that does go into south charlotte

2. Should the CTC be destroyed in Charlotte and the bus sytem have feeder bus sytem every where

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In one quick summary to your question, no. Buses do have a lot of traffic to uptown, but a lot of people using the bus also use it for general transportation to go to the movies, grocery store (if there isn't one within walking distance,) etc. The routes might change to be a bit less linear towards uptown and will probably become more intricate in its route.

Light Rail will lower the load of people taking the bus directly to uptown, but will not stop it, thus, the CTC is still important.

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A lot of bus routes around South Blvd will change to feed the LRT. However in all the other areas of the county will likely stay the same.

Outside of 485 in the southwest, they might change to feed LRT, too, as getting from way out there to downtown would be much quicker by LRT during rush hour.

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