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Hartford tops the list of Spring Allergy areas...


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I'm not surprised, everytime I visited this spring I'd wake up with my eyes red and burning like crazy. Not that it was much better in NY, but still...

Must be all the rain over the last couple months...I can't ever remember it being this bad.

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Something is going on, I got strep throat last week. Finally cured with amoxicillin.

I don't think you can get strep throat that way. The 1st time I got it was from sitting under an air conditioner duct with a bad smell. Had a fever of about 103, major muscle pains, hot and cold flashes, major sore throat. I could hardly move or walk. I really thought that I was going to die. :shok: You can catch it from another person also, which is why I couldn't have any personal contact with anyone for a while.

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