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Massive Riverfront Project


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Does anyone find it interesting, in retrospect, that this proposal by Jack Buchanan looks an awful lot like a manufacturing tech center?:


I'm thinking when negotiations broke down with the city, some people have found out who the "tenant(s)" are and are now scrambling on the South side of downtown to find a site.

And I'll even take you guys to another level. This technology being developed in this "Tech Village" is so cutting edge, that it will generate TOURISM DOLLARS from around the world. Hence, the need for Hard Rock Cafe's, HOB's, and "enough TGIF's to shake a stick at" as Kib would say. Plus, they're going to need an awful lot of server power to process the R&D that is going on.

This village will end up being in the $500 million range, but the creme-de-la-creme will be an engine plant installing this equipment into brand new Toyota engines worth the other $1.5 billion.

What do you guys think?

If that notion were presented to you in a private meeting after signing governmental confidentiality agreements with Homeland Security, would you then equate it to the "U.N. moving to GR"

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To everyone in my office. I think we may start an office pool.

:lol: I'm thinking about doing the same thing. A shopping/entertainment complex would be cool....but how would that be "beyond our wildest dreams"? Would it be made out of tungsten or something?

And, how would that make a splash nationally? Would the resturants be run by Wolfgang Puck and Emeril Lagassee?

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On Monday, President Bush made a quick random visit to Metro Detrot, or at least I thought so at the time.

He visited Energy Conversion Devices, Inc in Rochester Hills and the Auburn Hills Plant of United Solar Ovonic. By the way the CEO for United Solar Ovonic is Bob Stempien, former CEO of GM.

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I thought Toyota was scared out of the area because of the one soldiers of solidarity guy who was picketing GM?

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Why would toyota put an engine plant so close to downtown? That makes no sense :P Plus an engine plant wouldn't have national significance. NO Factory is going to garner the attention of a nation :P

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Why would toyota put an engine plant so close to downtown? That makes no sense :P Plus an engine plant wouldn't have national significance. NO Factory has ever garnered the attention of a nation :P

Other than Toyota is ramping up to take the lead over GM as the #1 Auto maker both in recognition and production volume in the word

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Why would toyota put an engine plant so close to downtown? That makes no sense :P Plus an engine plant wouldn't have national significance. NO Factory is going to garner the attention of a nation :P

The engine plant is NOT going to be downtown. Re-read all my posts :whistling:


Bush: U.S. on Verge of Energy Breakthrough

...while visiting a JCI battery laboratory in Milwaukee and a Solar Ovonics lab in Auburn Hills

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But still, an engine factory is ho hum, why bother at all? That, and I remember Dave's post saying it is NOT Toyota ;)

Since this thread is about the riverfront property, I don't think the engine factory topic is applicable. At least in my opinion of what is going to happen. An engine factory is possible, but it won't be downtown.

Alternative fuel research for automobiles has my bet. Large scale R&D development w/ HQ for new company.

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Putting an industrial or manufacturing faciltity on riverfront property downtown would fly in the face of our downtown area's 25-year evolution (starting with the Amway Grand Plaza and the Grand Center in the early 1980s) into an entertainment/dining/nightlife destination.

If Grand Rapids misused its resources on such a monumental scale after trending slowly toward sensible development for so long (not that we're there yet; downtown still ignores the riverfront for the most part), that certainly could draw national attention -- urban planners around the country would laugh at us.

I'd love to see Toyota come to GR, but further down Market Street. Give me Mall of America II, please.

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President Bush, speaking at auto-parts supplier Johnson Controls: Bush says one way to reduce American dependence on oil and natural gas is to turn to nuclear energy.


I'm not into what I am hearing... Nuclear driven car?

It seems as though Jeff has laid a pretty convincing path to energy... Especially with this DOE visit today.

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Wow....I actually think I know what it is. I sent a PM to GRDAD. If this is truly it....it fits all the criterion and is definately WACKY. Everything that is known thus far seems to fall into place with this project....if that is what it is. I don't know if I should even say it in this forum.......because there has to be a reason for the secrecy and I would not want to feel like I am jeapordizing this project or plan. However, I think so much has likely been invested in this plan that it will go forward....but maybe not in Grand Rapids if the secret gets out.

I will let GRDAD make the decision of whether or not he wants to share it....then its on him....but again....I could be all wrong.

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