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Greenville Wi-Fi Hotspots


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The thought occurred to me this evening that we've not touched upon Wi-Fi Hotspots in Greenville here in the forum yet. Perhaps this is because they're something that we already take for granted even though they're in their infancy? Perhaps it''s because not everybody is familiar with them (yea, right)?

So, I pose the following questions to you all:

  • Do you use Wi-Fi?

  • Where is your favorite place to use Wi-Fi?

  • Where (in and around Greenville) are Wi-Fi Hostspots located?

  • Which Wi-Fi Hotspots are best and why?

  • Which Wi-Fi Hotspots are worst and why?

  • What are the most creative names you've seen for Wi-Fi Hotspots around town? (I can think of one along I-385 near downtown, but I'll not mention it here because there may be children present).

We'll start with what is perhaps one of the coolest things about Downtown Greenville's CBD: Wireless Downtown. HERE is a map of coverage. If you look above the entrance to O.P. Taylor's, you'll notice part of the infrastructure for this service. You could possibly even make a scavenger hunt for adults (akin to the Mice on Main) out of finding these throughout downtown.

One of the unfortunate things about Starbucks in Greenville is that they do not yet (to my knowledge) offer Wireless Service. As I understand it, this is because Starbucks (Corporate) has contracted with T-Mobile to provide this service in their stores and T-Mobile service isn't available in our area.

I'll leave off here and look forward to your feedback.

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I used to have a T-Mobile HotSpot account, and to be honest, most places have it, the ones that don't will log you in to their network, and then you get a bill for $10 everytime you do it on top of the $40 per month for T-Mobile. GSP has free WiFi in the concourses, Panera Bread and ATL Bread have free WiFi. As for anymore, I really couldn't tell you. The Red Roof Inn I think is a T Mobile Hotspot, or if not now, then in the near future. Starbucks in Greer I believe has WiFi, as I saw someone buying a ticket through Delta.com during the blackout on the 15th.

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Port City Java offers free Wi-Fi as well.

During the outages resulting from the recent ice storm, I had my wife drive me over to the pull-up lane outside of Panera at the Shops at Greenridge so I could take care of some things online. While we drove off, I kept the laptop open and kept a close watch on all of the available Wi-Fi networks along I-385 and the other roads between Greenridge and T.R.. I was rather shocked by the number of Wi-Fi access points that are available (i.e. unlocked) out there along the route.

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I just recently realized that wi-fi works continually between the Hyatt and the Peace Center. I had always thought it was only in hot spots and accidentally discovered it covers the whole area.....nice! :thumbsup:

One of the hotels, I think either the Hilton or Marriott, has wi-fi that covers the entire property, rooms, halls, lobby, pool, etc.

I would think a college like Furman would make their campus wi-fi.

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I would think a college like Furman would make their campus wi-fi.

Both Furman and Clemson have Wi-Fi on-campus; however, it's locked down and restricted to only Faculty, Staff, and Students. They use MAC filtering so only machines with registered NICs can access the network.

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I use MAC filtering on my own network also. Quite a few places that I'm not aware of have WiFi. It's just a matter of whether or not they use encryption. Also, don't be fooled into thinking that an ad-hoc connection is wifi. I turned on my card midflight once, and on a 767, there had to have been at least 15 ad-hoc networks running.

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  • 1 month later...
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For those afraid to use WiFi or don't have a WiFi card in their laptops, here's a way to bring the web with you when you leave home: Webaroo that I just read about in a PC Mag on-line article (that's the link).

I wonder if this idea makes sense. At best it seems like an interim measure allowing people to access information away from WiFi hot spots (perhaps in cars or airplanes).

Any others have opinions about why this will work or fail?

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Any others have opinions about why this will work or fail?

Seems like a good idea. But it seems simple enough, maybe a little too simple for the company to do well. My PDA already does this (not to the same degree, though), but it seems to me that it would be simple enough for a major company (Microsoft, Google, etc.) to create this on their own. Or maybe a best case scenario for the company... they perfect it and sell it to one of the big guys.

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It's nice to see some new life being breathed into this thread.

The Main Branch of the Greenville Library is part of the Wireless Downtown Coverage mentioned in the opening post.

Some recent additions: Panera Bread in Simpsonville, at Greenridge, and in Taylors/Greer all have free Wi-Fi.

Also, I haven't tested it yet, but West End Field supposedly has Wi-Fi. I'm going to have to chug the old laptop out there during the next home stand to check it out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Be sure to tell us that you are posting from the ballpark, RT! :thumbsup:

OK...I'm posting from the ballpark! :thumbsup:

I'm sitting under the awning at the 500 Club. The view of the field isn't stellar from up here, but at least I can hopefully get some work done while taking in the game...and maybe even get my boss to let me requisition a new lap top if this one takes a foul ball. :rofl:

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OK...I'm posting from the ballpark! :thumbsup:

I'm sitting under the awning at the 500 Club. The view of the field isn't stellar from up here, but at least I can hopefully get some work done while taking in the game...and maybe even get my boss to let me requisition a new lap top if this one takes a foul ball. :rofl:

Is the whole ballpark Wi-Fi, or just the area around the 500 Club?

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