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The Savage Building to Survive


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The new owner's Josh and Alexis Smith are good friends and have great plans for the building. The final product will be a cafe, a boarding inn for South American Missionary Students and the Gaslight will become a conference/meetings facility. On the 9th avenue side he plans office space for street front offices (insurance and his own property development office).

As they remodel the building they are finding treasures that have been in storage for decades. So far they have uncovered some old horse and buggy lights and wheels and a very ornate mirror that came from the old governor's mansion.


Hey thats great news. Its good to know that great old property is going to remain in use and stay viable. I would hate to see it torn down for a parking lot or some other project. Its interesting to think about how this is the last townhouse in downtown and that there were at one point in history alot more. Hard to imagine in some ways for those of us to young to remember downtown before urban renewal.


They are also renovating the old Store Front Ministry building on 8th Avenue. WW wrote about the Hathcock Building that the church people tore down last year. They tore down the Juwes Hatters Building and others for their surface parking lot. People who tear down these buildings have no soul.


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