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The Armory Thread


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I was curious if anyone knows specifics or has links to more info on any of the following:

WBNA Retail/Housing project across from their Headquarters

Armory Revival Building at corner of Harrison/Westminster (The footings they poured this week look pretty substantial. Eltron mentioned retail and 4 condos does anyone know anything else, like how many storys or overall size?)

The Funeral Home on Westminster with the Diner in the parking lot - This building sold about 2 years ago, and aside from one big art shw it seems to have been empty since then. There is a Providence Revolving Fund sign on both the buidling and the Diner (which was moved from Eagle Square) but they have been just sitting there for quite a while now.

The brick Funeral home across the street - This is a pretty large building and seems to have something going on. Condos?

The Laundromat - Closed just a few months back - seems like prime space. Did they move to the new building on Cranston St?

Lofts going on in the Mill just beyond Bridgham - There was nothing going on for a while, then they tore down one building and put in all new windows. I havent seen much action in a while.

Also - Does anyone know what the deal is with the building next to it that has the huge door on the front? (lots of anti-iraq stencil grafiti on it?) The building interests me, mostly because I cant figure out what it was originally or if it is in use at all now. It almost looks like something you would see at a boat yard.

There is another lot just further down (towards downtown) that is anouncing new construction condos and retail as well.

Hell, all I want is a good coffee shop I can walk to. I wish White Electric was down in our end.


(Willl someone please buy the storefront church buidling at the end of my street and renovate it. Please?)

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Off the top of my head, I don't know nothing about none of that. However, there is a West Side Charrette next week that you will probably be interested in attending:

"Atwells Ave and West Side" Charrette on Friday, June 17th 5-7pm, and Sat. June 18th, 8am-5pm at Rialto Furniture.


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I've been lurking for a while and thought I'd respond. I live in the Armory too - on the west side of the park.

WBNA Retail/Housing project across from their Headquarters

William Kite is the designated developer. WBNA is lining up financing for construction now. It will take a fair amount of subsidy to make this go and they're writing grant applications, shaking trees, etc. I don't think there is a ground breaking date. The plans and pictures are at WBNA if you're curious.

Armory Revival Building at corner of Harrison/Westminster (The footings they poured this week look pretty substantial. Eltron mentioned retail and 4 condos does anyone know anything else, like how many storys or overall size?)

Durkee, Brown, Werenfels designed this mixed-use building (and the teal condos to the rear). There will be 6 condos in this 3-story building - 2 ground floor commercial and 4 residential above. At least one of the commercial spaces is being built for a particular occupant (not spec). It will be a nice addition to the neighborhood.

The Funeral Home on Westminster with the Diner in the parking lot - This building sold about 2 years ago, and aside from one big art shw it seems to have been empty since then. There is a Providence Revolving Fund sign on both the buidling and the Diner (which was moved from Eagle Square) but they have been just sitting there for quite a while now.

Jon Osbek owns this building and the diner. He's been working on several multi-family houses around the Decatur (Luongo Sq) and will get to these eventually. He's had a hard time finding all the historic diner parts/materials that he is required to use for historic tax credits and that has slowed its redevelopment. There's been a little talk of converting the funeral home garage into a cafe, but I think it is just talk at this point.

The brick Funeral home across the street - This is a pretty large building and seems to have something going on. Condos?

Don't know

The Laundromat - Closed just a few months back - seems like prime space. Did they move to the new building on Cranston St?

I have heard a local veterinarian who goes to the Armory dog park bought it and will be opening a pet rehab office here.

The owner of the laundromat told me the machines were too old (inefficient and broke down a lot) and the space too small to ever be profitable as a laundromat. He couldn't compete with the newer places.

Lofts going on in the Mill just beyond Bridgham - There was nothing going on for a while, then they tore down one building and put in all new windows. I havent seen much action in a while.

Durkee, Brown designed a nice looking multi-story office building for the portion of the building that was just torn down. (The building that was demo'd here was wood frame under brickmaster veneer and it wasn't structurally sound for rehab.) It is under construction now. I don't remember the name of the property owner, but I've seen site plans for part of the site. In phases, this should be a nice mixed-use site.

Also - Does anyone know what the deal is with the building next to it that has the huge door on the front? (lots of anti-iraq stencil grafiti on it?) The building interests me, mostly because I cant figure out what it was originally or if it is in use at all now. It almost looks like something you would see at a boat yard.

No idea.

There is another lot just further down (towards downtown) that is anouncing new construction condos and retail as well.

SWAP (Stop Wasting Abandoned Property - non-profit developer) is doing mixed use commercial/affordable housing this site. I haven't seen any plans or drawings.

Yes, I wish we'd get some more neighborhood services on Westminster between Messer and Citizens Bank too. At least we have Hudson St Market and a bodega on our side of the park.


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I beleive the job is nearing final design, but then yet these things can take forever even from there...


Ok, I've gotta ask, but... Why??? Why does public works always seem to operate at glacial paces everywhere? I know it must be enormously complicated with the planning, electrical and water lines, etc etc, but it seems to take years to design even the simplist projects (ex, the traffic calming going on near Hope and Rochambeau) and months and months to do them...

It's not a critique... I'm more curious as someone who knows nothing about the industry and process...

Also, why do roads seem to break down so badly in some parts of the nation (ex, Northeast) and be so glass smooth in others (Midwest). The weather certainly isn't worse here (the Northern Midwest has colder winters and warmer summer than we do). Is it that our geography is tougher than their flat areas, or that we have so much higher vehicular traffic, or that our public works chooses cheaper materials. I've always wondered about this...

- Garris

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One word: bureaucracy. Even with simple sidewalk projects, there's a HUUUUUGE, long and tedious process that must be followed to the letter in order to secure federal funding. Federal funds=massive regulations. Every project must get environmental clearance (Section 106, Section 4(f), a Categorical Exclusion or EIS), permits from relevant parties (DEM, CRMC, Army Corps of Engineers, etc.), an agreement for funding, review for every stage of design by all parties (usually four stages of design), etc. It's a long-ass process that takes years and years even if done without any major hurdles.

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Did anyone ever find out what the business is that has already signed to occupy one of the spots in the new building on the corner of Harrison/Westminster? One side of the building appears to have a LOT of plumbing going in, so my guess is a hair salon, but who knows, it could be a restaurant or something too.. They have the 2nd story up and its looking quite nice. Should be pretty tall for the area, which I like.

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Did anyone ever find out what the business is that has already signed to occupy one of the spots in the new building on the corner of Harrison/Westminster? One side of the building appears to have a LOT of plumbing going in, so my guess is a hair salon, but who knows, it could be a restaurant or something too.. They have the 2nd story up and its looking quite nice. Should be pretty tall for the area, which I like.


Hi Liam,

Both commercial units have owners. I heard this week that one side is a small gift shop and the other is an alternative health/wellness/yoga center. I asked if it was like Relish and the place beside it on Broadway and the reponse is that it would be similar.

Do you know what is happening with the sale of the red brick storage company building on your side of the park? I love that building.

Also, have you noticed how the pace of construction has picked up on the funeral home-condo conversion at the funeral home on the south side of Westminster? The back of that building is very long. It could hold a lot of units.


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Hi Liam,

Both commercial units have owners.  I heard this week that one side is a small gift shop and the other is an alternative health/wellness/yoga center.  I asked if it was like Relish and the place beside it on Broadway and the reponse is that it would be similar. 

Do you know what is happening with the sale of the red brick storage company building on your side of the park?  I love that building.

Also, have you noticed how the pace of construction has picked up on the funeral home-condo conversion at the funeral home on the south side of Westminster?  The back of that building is very long.  It could hold a lot of units. 



Alas, my hopes for a Cafe have been dashed :-) The building is looking good though! The Yoga place sounds like a good addition, although I wish something that would directly affect the neighborhood more than a giftshop would have been there. Down near White Electric it seems like the little gift/craft stores just turn over like crazy.

I have not heard any more about the Storage building. I had heard some rumblings a while back from the neighborhood rumor mill, but nothing lately. I will ask my neighbor Karen, as she works for the Projo and tends to know all the latest goings on.

I have noticed that things have been moving right along on that funeral home. The building is quite enormous! Do you have anything firm that it will be condos? I mean, I suppose that only makes sense, but I hadnt heard anything concrete.

Also, does anyone have any more info on the laundromat? I think it was you that had mentioned vets office, but it almost seems a little large to be just a vets office.


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The Lawton Movers bldg on Harrison now has a For Sale sign on it. CBRE is the realtor, but I cant find it listed on their website.



The Listing is up now. $795k, 30,000sqft. A buddy of mine looked at it this week. Said that it would require more capital than he could get access to, but that it could be amazing for lofts and that the view of downtown from the roof is amazing.

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The Listing is up now. $795k, 30,000sqft. A buddy of mine looked at it this week. Said that it would require more capital than he could get access to, but that it could be amazing for lofts and that the view of downtown from the roof is amazing.


Somewhere along the line I had come across a website that was just pictures of industrial buildings in pvd. It gave like build dates, size, and last known use. I think it may have been a goverment or historical society type thing and was broken down by neighborhood. Anyone have any idea what the hell I am talking about?


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