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Posts posted by drc72

  1. Sorry, Tycoon. I can't believe there is a majority of right leaning individuals in this forum. What don't you like about Destafano? Other than his universal health care plan, I could live with him. He's apparantly big on transit.

    I actually voted for Lieberman. Destefano I don't trust. He just sounds like a typical tax and spender type of poltician, by the way he talks. Lord knows Conn doesn't need anymore taxes. Besides I think Rell is doing a pretty good job so far and she has proposed major spending for transit.

  2. I agree with you here. All they're doing is potentially opening up an opportunity for a Republican to win (which I'd support) or Liberman (who I also support) to win as an independent. Ned doesn't rub off right with me at all. He seems like that annoying kid in class that no one likes because he feels like he's better than everyone. I hate how Lamont started with the attack ads then as soon as Lieberman responded in kind Ned said on a commercial that he will not stoop to his opponent's level.

    GOD! I hope Lamont doesn't win. Lieiberman is so much more classier than that guy. I hope CT voters tell Lamont and Destefano thanks, but no thanks.

  3. It definitly is leaving Springfield behind. The economic hub of MA is Boston and state goverment is based in Boston which is a long way from Springfield and the entire Pioneer Valley...at least Worcester can reak the benefits from the fact that its close to Boston

    Yep, even though CT has it's main eye on Hartford, it still looks after the other cities as well. Bridgeport and New Haven in peticuliar.

  4. Boston will continue to thrive with or without public investments such as a new convention center so why not spend money on the mid sized cities in the state such as Springfield and Worcester. Worcester is seeing development (the town center, a renovated DCU center, Hilton Garden Inn, new courthouse, etc) but will still need to come a long way (for example the city needs residents downtown). Springfield now needs to get to start getting funding from the state to jumpstart some private investments.

    The State is leaving Springfeild behind.

  5. It should be possible. Does Springfield want to be in the same metro or are they hung up on their individuality? Baltimore and Washington, Dallas and Fort Worth, Saint Paul and Minneapolis all share metros. It would absolutely make sense to me if these cities were lumped together into one metro. Moreso New Haven mostly due to the shared media market.

    The commuter rail is definately a step in the right direction.

    I think it would be in Springfield's best interest to be in the Hartford metro area.

  6. #1) singling out Hartford wont really do much, since people needing to come to Hartford know there is one and only one real option.

    #2) im suprised they dont have that already... i havent seen ai airport WITHOUT a welcome sign for the state.

    #3) BDL would not be the airport it is without the city of springfield, while not as much business, it does make up a very large peice of the BDL catchment area.

    In summary... a name change isnt going to do much, since air travelers using the region know the airport is there. If they want to expand their "name reach" they will downplay the hartford reference and appeal beyond that..... something like "western New England International Airport" or something...

    Or CT International Airport. Although I do like Hartford International Airport.

  7. Hey all, Clif here! I'm current over in Manchester livin' large at the Mills. Been here for the past 6 mo's and am now in the process of buying a few multi-fams in Hartford in order to move by base of ops into city next month or so. Very excited!

    Let me just say these forums are just awesome! It's great to see so many different perspectives on what's going on in a city like Hartford. It's taken me a good 3 mo's just to come to grips with the possibility of moving into the city. For as long as I can remember, Hartford's been a real metropolitan deadbeat - the club/bar district sucked, there wasn't much of a "downtown" feel, and there didn't seem to be much driving new development in the city. That seems be changing now, though I still think there's a ways to go. And that's why I figure it's a great time to invest.

    Mind you, I moved up here after buying around New Haven. I've spent a good 5 years watching that city go through an urban renaissance. What with Yale buying up half the city and a surge in NYC'ers flowing into the city to escape $3000 rents, New Haven's really taken off. Even now, the downtown district just keep growing and growing. It's also nice to have a city you can park once and walk EVERYWHERE you'd want to go. It's all so central.

    So... my hope is that that Hartford will take a clue from it's sister city down south...

    • Give people places to eat, dance, and sleep.

    • Make it easy to get around.

    • Know, show, and grow your attractions.

    • Be a cultural mecca.

    • Encourage investment.

    • Stay up late.

    If nothing else, a city needs to know this: Who am I?

    I love cities, travel all over N/E, and go out of my way to vaca in cities around the country as much as possible. You look at places like Boston, NYC, Providence, New Haven, Philly. They've all found that something that sets them apart. Now it's time for other cities like Hartford to step up. Honestly, even Pittsburgh's coming back. What's up with that?!

    Hartford, listen to me closely:

    Your time is now... or never.

    Anyway, hello again, I'm Clif, and to everyone here... keep rock'n these boards! :yahoo:

    PS: The title of this post got me excited that there was actually a group of people, The Hartford Club, that met up to talk shop every now and then. With all the perspectives and expertise here, that'd be a great thing. Hint, hint.

    Slowly but surely, Hartford is getting there. Welcome aboard.

  8. Wow small world...correct me if im wrong but there are a large number of families in the Middletown area from Mellili.

    I liked it but I think there was some confussion when the pastor made a long speech and the runners got the wrong signal to run into the church which forced the police cheif to tell everyone to stop yelling and running on so they could listen to the speech...which noone could hear or understand. Nevertheless I liked it...it seemed like there were still a good number of people...I sat next to someone who came all the way from New York City.

    Believe it or not there is more Mellili people in Middletown, than in the city of Mellili itself. I sensed there was something wrong , because the runners remained outside the church steps for awhile.

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