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Everything posted by localtalent

  1. A thought - perhaps the current grocery operator on that site will be replaced with a different concept. Possibility?
  2. Question for the group: In your opinion, what would be considered 'appropriate' height at this site (ie a range of x to y stories would fit)? What would be 'ideal' height (ie to support increased density in the core, while still respecting the historical nature of the neighborhood, a potential development should be x stories)? Assume you'd get good design regardless of the size....
  3. Speculation is rampant regarding the 7 GR police personnel on site right now. Multiple forensic units. Appears to be some remains of unknown origin found along the Republic exterior wall.
  4. The state granted the tax breaks, not the city.
  5. I don't think it's a brewery actually. That company does some other stuff, too.
  6. Dunno if this specific announcement will be a full 'Gateway' project as previously envisioned, but it's a good one nevertheless. It may help in reinforcing our recent reputation as a city.
  7. Corner of Bridge & Broadway. Invites have gone out for an event at 4pm including the Mayor. Should be good.
  8. It sounds like the ramp would eliminate any future option of arena expansion via 'completion of the bowl'. It's going to be a big ramp, but don't hold your breath on any exciting street level stuff.
  9. Battle Ax Chewing tobacco and something about 'combination heaters'. Really cool looking....
  10. LOL. I think you might end up correct, except for the specific location.
  11. LOL. Nope, sorry. I commented on it a bit, based on stuff I was hearing from people I knew. But that was all. 38 Ramp is basically full. No plans were required to present the demolition request to HPC. I imagine stuff will come out publicly within a few months. Don't expect a grassy lot for long. I believe folks here will be happy with the plan. ;-)
  12. I agree. I thought it looked like a massive hypodermic needle. A scary entrance for sick kids. To those thinking this may just be another piece of oval glass o the skyline, I'm going to disagree a bit. First, the building already feels like it's looming over Michigan, and it's not that tall. The siting is quite imposing with its' relation to the street and being perched on the edge of the hill. Combine this with the creative elements that are staying (the glass, the ped bridge) and I think it's going to wind up quite nice. Also, do we really have an abundance of oval glass skyscrapers in GR? Seems to me a couple more would make for nicer postcards.
  13. I think we're going in circles a bit....but: I think the big boys will make one final splash and that splash will be significant enough to draw plenty of additional investment (from smaller local investors wanting to get in on the fun and outside folks who recognize what GR has going on). Also, the "big boys" aren't the ones doing cool projects like Gallery and 38 Commerce. I just think that type of stuff will accelerate, not drop off. But you Debby Downers sure make things sound depressing.
  14. There's plenty of distressed inventory and bank owned stuff going on, too. The city is not immune to economic reality.... But some individuals are immune to it...look at who's buying, where and at what prices. These are folks who aren't used to losing money. I think it's safe to assume they have a plan. I don't think we're at critical, self-sustaining levels yet, but I think we will be once the next round of larger projects comes in. Just my opinion, shared for your amusement.
  15. I'd wager two things: 1) This thing won't ever happen 2) It isn't close to the biggest thing I think the "boom" is just beginning.
  16. Last week, with all the trusses laying about on the ground, it looked like they were erecting a massive steel rollercoaster. This will be quite the structure.
  17. If this was someone other than Sam, I might agree that the city should be out of patience at this point. But Cummings has done enough intelligent and high quality deals in this city to get the benefit of the doubt. Additionally, credit markets are horrible...and that's not really Sam's fault or the city's fault. I'd imagine the city is hesitant to go down the path of rebidding at this point, since conditions might result in an embarassing lack interest, backing an actual project up even further, etc
  18. Shuttles run from the airport to downtown currently. That's mass transit, right? Also, the new parking facilities include a new public transportation "terminal" for the airport.
  19. I had to post this in the parking topic.... The Sierra Room is closing and blaming it on parking. http://www.mlive.com/business/grpress/inde....xml&coll=6
  20. Downtown? Like this (again): That building is 300 units, but they are luxury apartments. Scale it down for the college crowd and stick 500 units in it...put it on the south end of the downtown campus, close to the river. Probably only lose a few million on it.
  21. I think this is an improvement over that earlier, flat rendering. It's going to look very nice.
  22. Think of it this way..... The "wave" theme is getting old. It's no longer hip and chic. But we all know fashions are cyclical. By the time this building is complete, it will usher in the next generation of hip, chic "wave" themed buildings. So, in a wacky way, they're just thinking ahead to the next big thing (which also happened to be the last big thing).
  23. Well that new rendering is a huge improvement. Looks like they really tried to address the street-level concerns. Maybe someone's listening?
  24. Maybe they could knock it down and build another Alticor hotel? They could be called the Three Sisters. Epic, dude.
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