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Everything posted by Architect

  1. Exactly. I think NWA is over hyped and Central is under appreciated. I don't think anyone needs to count out the potential of greater Little Rock over the long-term.
  2. The U.S. Census Bureau released population estimates for 2022. Lots of interesting data, but one interesting takeaway is that Conway is the state’s fastest-growing city in 2022. See article from Talk, Business & Politics: https://talkbusiness.net/2023/05/u-s-census-bureau-conway-states-fastest-growing-city-in-2022/?mc_cid=426f6d3022&mc_eid=5fcda0ee91 Little Rock MSA is estimated to have grown to 757,615 (+10,000 above 2020 - less than Metroplan estimates, which is about 762,000) NWA MSA is estimated to have grown to 576,403 (+30,000 above 2020)
  3. Presentations were made today (or yesterday?) to the North Little Rock City Board about a planned new 14 story mixed-use building on the old bus station property. It will contain a boutique hotel in the first six floors, 3 floors of office and additional floors for condos/apartments. If this advances, it will be a nice addition to Argenta and to the NLR skyline.
  4. It's about time...incredulous really that Little Rock went without Porsche for going on what must be 30 years (Riverside Motors used to be a dealer for Porsche, Audi and Mercedes, until Mercedes Benz told Riverside that they were going to carry MB exclusively, or not at all, so they dropped Audi and Porsche). I suspect Little Rock was the largest market in the U.S. without an authorized dealer...and there are a ton of Porsches in this market in spite of that fact.
  5. Totally agree. Honestly, I get tired of the what is actually pretty solid growth among our peer cities inevitably being drowned out by all of the NWA hoopla. People are simple-minded. It's like "if X is doing great, Y must be doing bad" - it's like a zero sum game in the minds of most people!
  6. Metroplan has updated its population estimates for Central Arkansas for 2022. Candidly, it's surprisingly robust in my opinion, given the predictions/outlook of slower growth. Little Rock 2020 - 202,591 2022 - 205,525 (up 1.4%) Pulaski County 2020 - 399,125 2022 - 404,009 (up 1.2%) Central Arkansas (LR-NLR-Conway MSA) 2020 - 748,031 2022 - 760,933 (up 1.7%) Summary Total net change for the MSA was up almost 13,000 people in two years, of which... +11,502 due to net in-migration (this is a good stat) + 821 due to natural increase (births over deaths) If accurate, this rate of growth over 2 years is a higher clip than the metro experienced from 2010 to 2020 Link: https://metroplan.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/DemographicReview2022-v2.pdf Promising trends!
  7. The funny (sad?) thing about all of this development is that when Alltel (Verizon begat Simmons) Arena was designed, the WHOLE SITE ORIENTATION of the arena NW to SE was to point views from the entry plaza direct to the Little Rock skyline. Subsequent development is now rendering this irrelevant.
  8. Perhaps...it's also related to the fact that they can tie the need to an ongoing, new project and its impact, unlike I-630 which was effectively constructed 40 years ago.
  9. As you noted, this is only for planning, but there does seem to be a lot of momentum for this. Let's hope the feds see it that way and that they'll ultimately provide grants for what is likely a $100M plus project. While I think it would be interesting, the better place would be across I-630...that's the real scar through downtown.
  10. Oops! I didn't realize you posted a link in your original comment. My apology. That's why I was asking you to elaborate, ha! Either way, I didn't take from the article that the NLR site is ahead per se, though it looks like they've formally submitted an application for a conditional use permit. I do know that site work is underway at Top Golf.
  11. Elaborate. I've seen no evidence of construction at the old Wild River Country site nor any plumbing permits, while site development is well underway at the Top Golf location.
  12. In what way is it "ahead" given that construction is underway on Top Golf and their plumbing permits have been approved?
  13. Walk-On's will be a good addition, though their food is sort of "mid" (but so was MM in my opinion).
  14. Well, I think it's a given that the asbestos will be removed (by law). As far as expelling the haunts...who knows?! LOL.
  15. That place had a cool vibe as far as style, but from what I've read it struggled to really define what it wanted to be, and it didn't help that it opened literally the same month as the pandemic started. Regardless, I hate for just about any venture to fail.
  16. The redevelopment of this is a huge deal...and it sounds like they're doing it the right way (installing historically accurate windows, etc).
  17. Well, one of the parcel's downtown that was owned by Stephens was sold to the city and a large parking deck is under development.
  18. I honestly wouldn't be opposed to some mixed-use retail and residential, even high-rise (I am aware of an earlier proposal for a high-rise condo tower on that site a few years ago) - it's mainly the "car lot" proposal that seems entirely out of place. The reality is that this is THE busiest intersection in the state, so there will be LOTS of pressure for development. I just hope the city and developers approach it with sensitivity and vision, rather than careless sprawl.
  19. According to this Dem-Gaz article, Bale Chevrolet is proposing to relocate to the NW corner of Cantrell and I-430...currently and historically wooded residential area, and defacto entrance to Two Rivers Park and all things River Trail, this seems like corporate suicide. I can't image that the citizens, nor (hopefully) the city would approve a zoning change for this travesty. I'm not typically a NIMBY, but this is a ridiculous proposition. https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2022/sep/13/lr-auto-seller-files-proposal-for-move/
  20. Strange, as the MIA flight was pretty full when we used it earlier this summer.
  21. VERY welcomed news...now if they'd only fix the lights on Two Rivers Park pedestrian bridge!
  22. Nice. Curious which was this is oriented on site....
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