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Everything posted by Ted

  1. It won't happen in this first run. But it is the planned next step.
  2. The church is fine. It could be easily saved.
  3. Just an option. Not a done deal. We have been here before.
  4. Jesus God... The comments... 'The U.S. will have a hard time coming to grips with the same thing that West Michigan does, but if we have people like Dr. Stamm that will call us back to what is true and right, I think we can make it through this.' Thank you, Mackenzie G.
  5. "On a local level, while being labeled both “cool” and “beer” city might be entertaining to some and intoxicating to others, it’s not what this city was built on. West Michigan’s foundation was one of faithfulness to family, faithfulness to God and faithfulness to work." That is some beautiful selective history... Slow clap, professor...
  6. Funny, that in 1500 +/- words they never addressed offering higher wages to better address the increased competition in the marketplace... even as the sidebar notes the significant difference between our local market and the national market. There is no talent gap. There is a wage gap.
  7. 2 Jefferson brought to you by Lott3Metz. Love that Gita Pita.
  8. $5 sez none of the offers accepted...
  9. http://therapidian.org/placematters-keep-gr-moving-modern-mobility-strategy-build-stronger-city
  10. Nope. Still in our public process. Lots of work to be done.
  11. The Laker Line BRT will stop at this lot every six minutes.
  12. We're right in the middle of a public process. I'd love to talk more about the project but I can't. We're excited about the project and the process. And, we'll share more when we can.
  13. I'm not hopeful that the City is going to have the fortitude to take the building. The City seems willing to stand by and let the owner try, yet again, to sell it at an untenable price point. There is not much time left for the building.
  14. Removing the S-Curve is specifically defined as a goal in the Master Plan in 2002. It has already been taken seriously. http://grcity.us/design-and-development-services/Documents/master_plan_06_balanced_transportation.pdf
  15. I don't get your outrage, Jeff. 131 in its current configuration hurts our city. Idealism is not our problem.
  16. We're 10 years in...it's not too early...time to set goals for the next time...
  17. Milwaukee, San Francisco, Boston, New York... That's not idealism, that's real world. It can be done and it should be done. There's ample evidence of success. See you at the table.
  18. Why make excuses for MDOT, Jeff? If we are willing to settle for band aids on broken legs, we still won't be able to run. Why not advocate for what Grand Rapids needs? Why not push MDOT? Cities all over the country are leveling and burying their freeways and we can too.
  19. We've got to stop settling for good enough. We're going to have an opportunity with 131,soon. We need to demand the best solutions.
  20. How about putting 131 in a tunnel so our city won't be cut in half?
  21. Not w/o a new owner, Josh. It's not useable in its current condition w/o some investment and the current owner has been unwilling.
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