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Everything posted by mejane

  1. You're right, Nitro, Kendall College never occupied that building in it's entire history. http://www.kcad.edu/kcad/about/history.php...c7a2a907ed9e238
  2. I wondered where you guys went. Big Bob's Pizza Rocks!!!
  3. For all of you 'guest' users, if you really want to get the full effect of the forum, you should join - come on, it's free. That way you can view all of the wonderful photos members here post for the benefit of all. AND, you can actually see all the 'smilies' and get more of the author's tone in their post. You can log in as 'invisible' if that is important to you - or go ahead and join in the conversation. The members are friendly, and they never fail to welcome a newbie.
  4. I love the Meijer at Kalamazoo and 28th street, but then, I've been going there since it was "Meijer Thrifty Acres." It could certainly be cleaner, but there is something I really enjoy about shopping there on a Saturday morning. As you go through the aisles, you can here at least three other languages being spoken by other customers. Gives me a world market feeling I don't get too many other places in town. Rumor has it that it is also a favorite store of Fred Meijer, and as soon as he passes away, the kids will dump the property. Sad.
  5. The intersection at Norwood, Wealthy, and Lake Drive looking west down Wealthy... Wolfgangs, the former Intersection, the Hookah joint, etc.
  6. Wow, Dadof, hope you and the family are okay. Waaaay too cold!
  7. How odd - thanks for calling this to my attention! I think it's just habit that I hit the enter key so often - most likely the result of also writing poetry. Sorry if it has been annoying to read my columns/posts. I'll try to conform to the set standard of the forum in the future, but it won't be easy. Please forgive me in advance when I inadvertently wax poetic!
  8. Hey, PBJ, I hope the women keep trying to outbid each other for a date with you! Your attire alone should raise the stakes - it takes a real man to wear pink - it takes real guts to wear HOT pink! Great cause, sounds like a fun time. Here's wishing you a very Happy Birthday. Cheers!
  9. Eyekons Gallery did a nice job renovating this little ditty, escpecially the garage The inside is pretty fabulous, too. Stop in and tell Phil and Amy that Jane says, "Hi!" (Once again, nice pics, Dad! - thanks to everyone who posts the photos, I really enjoy seeing the town through someone elses 'eye'.)
  10. "Red Ball Jets" were a brand of sneakers made from 1951 - 1971. They were the favored brand when I was a kid until everyone started wearing Jack Purcells. (yeah, I'm that old!)
  11. Here's a fun, free, family event this Sunday, the 18th, that thanks the community for shopping local first. Don't know where else to post this as the events thread appears to be gone, so, here goes: (and I hope you all will join us!!!) Press release: DECEMBER 2005, GRAND RAPIDS, MI:
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