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Relient J

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Everything posted by Relient J

  1. Great pictures, Fallingwater! Thanks so much for sharing them with all of us.
  2. ^ From my uneducated point of view, that sure sounds like a great idea. Not only would they draw customers from The Avenue, but eventually the hotel and conference center as well. To this point I don't recall Starbucks being mentioned as a future Avenue tenant, but it's certainly possible.
  3. Points well taken. Perhaps I'll be able to make it from time to time. (Work was the commitment I spoke of earlier.) If nothing else, I look forward to hearing about what you guys discuss!
  4. I doubt I would be able to come very often. I usually have a commitment on Saturdays. Besides, what could we accomplish in person that we can't accomplish here?
  5. Thanks for all of the information on the new Starbucks openings, Justiceham! Interesting that they're going to convert the old DQ into a Starbucks. Will they still retain the current Stones River Mall outparcel location? If so that'll put those two awfully close together.
  6. The Daily News Journal reported on their Web site that a new Starbucks willl be opening on South Church St. this Friday. According to the article, this new Starbucks will be located in the Innsbrooke Towne Square Shopping Center, which is where the Kroger is located. The article can be found here: http://www.dnj.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?A...NEWS01/60822001.
  7. ^ To me it doesn't matter if it's a residence or a business. It's still an infringement of the landowner's property rights. But you're right, it definitely seems to be more directed at businesses than residences in general. My assumption is that they would have a tougher time getting away with forcing aesthetic choices on residences.
  8. I'm ok with citizens and developers coming up with aesthetic and architectural ideas for the city, but such a plan should in no way be binding on landowners. The city has no authority to tell me how my home or business should look.
  9. Some additional information about this development was posted today to the DNJ's Web site: http://www.dnj.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?A...NEWS01/60816002. The comments of the woman who lives near the proposed development are interesting.
  10. What does and does not constitute a bash is clearly subjective. I would hope though that you'd be able to see why referring to someone's city, which they care deeply about, as "a sprawl monster" might come across as a bash. That said, I know you're sincere in your opinions about development, and I certainly welcome your input. Your very presence in the Murfreesboro subforum helps keep us going, and for that I truly thank you! You and I have many differences of opinion on the subject of development. I believe that planning and zoning boards are one of the things currently wrong with our city, state, and nation. They serve to infringe on the property rights of citizens, both individuals and developers.
  11. Welcome to UrbanPlanet and specifically to the Murfreesboro subforum, edb2n! By your user name, am I to take it that you're an MTSU student? I don't think I've heard any recent news on what new tenants will be part of the Stones River Mall's expansion. Also, I don't recall reading that the tenants you listed would be joining The Avenue Murfreesboro, but we definitely haven't heard the last of the news from it.
  12. Fallingwater, thanks so much for sharing your photos!
  13. ^ We've got Go USA Theme Park, which has miniature golf, arcade, gocart racing and more, and a couple of movie theaters in town, one better than the other (in my opinion). On the subject of malls, we also have a brand new one under construction called The Avenue Murfreesboro. It's going to be an outdoor lifestyle mall, and will be very large.
  14. ^ Not having any kids myself, I'm probably not the best one to answer that question. There are several parks, a boys and girls club, and a place where kids can ride go-karts and play video games, and (I'm sure) lots of church youth groups.
  15. ^ I love it! It's not a perfect city by any means, but the people are friendly, the area is beautiful, and the property is relatively cheap.
  16. ^ Sorry, just to clarify, you're not confusing us with Murfreesboro, North Carolina are you? The item in the picture is one of our city's water towers.
  17. Sorry for the triple post, but here's another Murfreesboro picture. This time it's the water tower on Jones Blvd.:
  18. I remember there was talk of putting on on Memorial near Haynes Dr., but I think that either failed or got stalled due to the objections of local residents.
  19. ^ They really do. Infrastructure that is transparent (metaphorically speaking) is the way to go.
  20. Perhaps we just haven't allowed enough time to elapse to really see if it will have an impact on Old Fort.
  21. ^ As always, thanks for giving your honest feedback.
  22. I'd be genuinely curious to hear your remarks on the topic, Lexy. Which part of Fallingwater's post did you find funny? I guess as far as Medical Center Parkway is concerned, the question is: In what way was it intended to draw traffic off of Old Fort Parkway? Clearly those who live out at Cason Lane, St. Andrews, etc. are still going to depend upon Old Fort and exits 78 A and B. Given that I live very close to Medical Center Parkway, I have only infrequent need of Old Fort. Where it should really begin to make a difference is in traffic comming off of I-24 from other places. As more and more development occurs in that direction, it may well entice more people to get off there versus Old Fort. Once the hospital is built in the Gateway and those empty office buildings fill in with medical tenants, Medical Center Parkway is likely going to be a busy road.
  23. Sorry for the delay, but here are the pictures I spoke of earlier. As with my last batch, some of these pictures go back more than a year. The most recent of this particular set is a few months old. The Sones River and Stones River Battlefield (McFadden Farm area): Middle Tennessee State University:
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