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Posts posted by erdogs

  1. Sensor dust... :P

    I guess that could be the case, but it has only appeared in that photo. I'm able to zoom in on it and I can tell it is in the distance, so I have my doubts about that explanation. The size of the object would be pretty close to that of the Goodyear blimp.

  2. I agree, it looks like a puppet. I don't buy those doctors either. They didn't seem to be doing anything other than shining a light on the alien face and wiping something off its chin. The alien autopsy was much more believable. Also the man that was speaking about this said he was not suicidal, so if he turns up dead you would know it was not a suicide. Implying that he would be murdered, however if we don

  3. They are going to have very nice interiors, maybe worth the price. However they have far fewer to sell, so I don't see them having a problem selling most of them. It will be one of those places that has to sell itself once complete.

  4. I have never been to a Wegmans, but Whole Foods has a variety of different scales of stores. The main one here in downtown Austin has everything you could want. There are three or four places in the store to sit and eat foods made on premises. I have never not been able to find anything I have wanted, items you can't find anywhere else, even at some other Whole Foods locations. The city will really have to push hard to get that type of store in TC, whether it's a Wegmans or Whole Foods.

  5. This is interesting as I don't believe he ever kept his word:

    "If I become President, I'll make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the public and scientists. I am convinced that UFOs exist because I have seen one."


    Presidential campaign 1976

    That was before they got to him. I think I remember Clinton asking some questions about UFO's and got no answers. The government is hiding something, but I wouldn't dare to guess what.

  6. From Farrakhan:

    BASHIR: You, I want again to go over, you remember the vision you experienced in 1985 on top of an Aztec mountain?


    BASHIR: When you said that you had been beamed on board a UFO and flew into space. Do you still maintain that that's what happened to you?

    FARRAKHAN: Oh, absolutely. I've maintained that for, since 1985, which is, what, 21 years now. I have never deviated from that experience, because that experience was as real to me as you sitting in front of me, Mr. Bashir.

  7. The only definitive thing we know is that the government is hiding something. It is either alien existance or they want us to think that to keep us off track for what is really going on. Perhaps these bases were built by us. Maybe this is all a cover-up of our own activities. Something is afoot, but what we don't know. I would love to have John Stossel investigate this.

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