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Posts posted by erdogs

  1. Good work cityboi, I've always found this stuff interesting even if I'm not totally sold on the what it all means. I was wondering if you watch UFO Hunters on the History channel? At the end of the episode last week they showed a clip of a triangular set of lights flying at what seemed to be a high rate of speed. That video was one of the clearest I've ever seen. Whether it's alien or one of ours, it's certainly interesting. I hope they go into more detail this week.

  2. Funny that the one area of P-town that they would keep a place with an attached Jail is the most expensive real estate in the city. I cant believe they would consider this when they could build an entirely new complex in the planned "Midtown" to help spur development.

    DT PTown and Old town dont need as much help and the land could be used for something much more. Its perfectly placed between High St bars/restaurants and the Amphitheater. That entire 3 block area which includes several surface parking lots and one large low-rise parking lot, could be developed into something really nice. And speaking of a waste of space, upon looking at satellite images, I couldnt believe my eyes...the Courthouse has a RIVERFRONT SURFACE PARKING LOT!

    I couldn't agree more, Portsmouth is really dropping the ball on this. The Old Town residents need to use their substantial pull with the city to make the hard choices.

  3. I wouldn't put much stock in what people are saying on pilotonline. If you go to the local paper website here in Austin you will see the same types of negative comments on developement. Some people just will never understand how economic developements help them, even if they don't directly benefit. If a city stops growing, it stagnates and dies.

  4. "Canon is leading the way and reversing an industry wide trend by bringing manufacturing back to the United States," said Takayoshi Hanagata, the president and chief executive of Canon Virginia Inc., which oversees the local operations.

    Interesting quote. I wonder if the falling dollar doesn't have something to do with this?

  5. Im not sure the Farmer's Market idea would work since it would compete with the one they already do at MacArthur Center. A seafood market would be cool, but who is going to pay to park downtown to go shop at a seafood market? By the way, I miss Q-Masters being there!!!!

    I agree, bring back Q-Masters! Not that I would benefit, but entertainment at a festival marketplace is essential. I actually think live music would be a big draw, it works here in Austin. Invite Mr. Newby to bring his jazz club to Waterside. Invite the Hurrah Players to perform weekly inside. Have a battle of the bands contest every week. Tearing it down would be a waste of money and time. A little imagination is needed here.

  6. Indoor put-put, virtual driving range, indoor wavepool, Golds Gym, jogging track, etc. This is just some of the things I thought about. Give people something to do during the winter months besides eating and drinking.

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