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Everything posted by grownsup

  1. I agree. I am definitely interested in the Farmer's Market and the H&M.
  2. Oh please please propose a forcefield. I too dislike Wally World. I understand their need in rurual areas but not in Ghent, please. Now I sound like I am begging....hahha
  3. And I think once the people move in the retail will catch up. I am wishing for a Whole Foods/Wild Oats in the area, at least in Ghent. Some new restaurants too. It is all pretty exciting though.
  4. Yes, thanks. The market is a nice start but with all of the residential units planned ONE market isn't going to cut it. IMO the retail component needs to catch up.
  5. I think I remember reading about an upsacle grocery store going in at the bottom of one of the condo towers? Is this true?
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