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Everything posted by buildleft

  1. I hate to take this thread off-topic, but supporting more parking + transit is completely contradictory. They are competitors. At a system-wide level, universally building significant amounts of parking destroys any competitive edge transit has or will ever have. As long as we have abundant free parking, transit use will never meaningfully increase. I'm not saying we shouldn't be building any parking, but we're building more parking per capita than *literally* any other urban place on earth. Considering the climate crisis we face, this is beyond unacceptable.
  2. Not sure if this has been reported here but DL is also increasing their BOS frequencies from 3/day to 4/day, I assume this is to further compete with AA. DL will have 40/day out of CLT within the next few months.
  3. The line could have its own ROW in the median and avoid the costly acquisition process altogether. And if the city actually wants to boost transit as a policy goal, then it should be fine with making central a two lane road. Even with the more complex acquisition process, it shouldn't necessarily take this long. Plenty of peer cities in other parts of the world do it faster (and for less money). In Montreal, the 42 mi automated light metro project REM was proposed in 2016 and started construction in 2018. Yes, there were land acquisitions involved. The line will open in phases between next year and 2024. In Seattle, Northgate Link had a design process that was slightly shorter in length than our timeline, despite being significantly more complicated and entirely underground/elevated. Surely our problems can't all be fixed overnight, but all I'm saying is that it's possible to have an expedited process for a not-so-large project (the eastern extension is only 4 miles). When $650+ million are being spent on a few thousand daily riders, we should start to question the choices being made on transit spending and administration. Also, it doesn't inspire much confidence that Lewis said it will act "more like a commuter rail than a streetcar". It should definitely have an exclusive ROW, but it obviously won't be "like" commuter rail at all. And it's disheartening that our transit leaders won't stop prioritizing the 9-5 commuter, because this does not represent most transit riders and certainly will not on the Gold Line.
  4. Two whole years for a *route plan*? Isn't the line straight down Beatties Ford and Central? The incompetence at CATS will never cease to amaze me
  5. One note: If the Levine Museum was appraised at $7.6 million for 0.7 acres, that would come out to over $10.8 million/acre, meaning the land would actually be worth over $1.4 billion. Wow
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