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Posts posted by steelkid247

  1. Hello everyone - i hope this is the right way to ask this question!

    I like many others who are moving here am struggling with the country club situation in Nashville (poor me i know).  There seems to be an abundance of people moving there but a lack of clubs.  The clubs i have visited almost all have 1.5-2 year waitlists and are charging $100k to get in, which is fairly ridiculous when compared to the rest of the country.

    My question: are there any future golf developments planned for the Nashville area?  One would think it would take off with the amount of people on waitlists.  Any rumors or announcements out there?  Realize the land is probably worth more as housing developments, but once can dream!  Any help is appreciated.

  2. sorry as i'm sure this has been discussed ad nauseum...

    i'm actually moving from Chicago to Nashville (like everyone else) later this Summer.   I fly 2-3 times/month so having a consistent carrier is very important to me.  With so many businesses moving to Nashville, you guys don't think a United or American could expand and make Nashville a hub?  To me its the perfect SE location that is not Atlanta.

    maybe its too early for anyone to announce this given the Covid environment we live in today...

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