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Posts posted by ajs

  1. Google could just pull a Facebook and build a modern-day, white-collar variant of a company town: http://www.businessinsider.com/facebook-anton-menlo-housing-complex-2013-10


    I'm quite frankly a little surprised that some of these companies haven't yet built housing within their own corporate campuses, especially considering the number of hours their employees work.


    Heck, even the highly-compensated employees of Google are struggling to keep up with rising housing costs: http://www.bizjournals.com/sanjose/news/2014/09/10/silicon-valley-rent-too-high-google-workers-lived.html?page=all






    Google is trying to build a company town, but the locals are pretty conflicted about it.  The last 3 paragraphs of this article outline the big concern.  Google wants to build 5,000 housing units and only 12,000 voted in the last election, so Google could basically take over the city.



  2. Me thinks this is just the first of many levees coming, but also significant infrastructure improvements in terms of storm water mitigation, which is a big problem downtown and in other parts of the city. Hopefully this is the start of some capital improvements.

    Side note, it annoys the piss out of me when people toss around the "10, 20, 500, and 1,000 year" flood numbers because they're simple equations that can be blown up. Take the Great 1927 Mississippi River Flood, that was supposed to be a once in a lifetime event and the record for several lower basin locations. 2011, some of those same areas were eclipsed by that event, so the year estimation is just nonsense to myself, as a forecaster.


    I don't think you can compare 1927 MS River levels to current, since the river is much more contained in its banks now.  The same amount of water will register much higher than before all those levees were built.

  3. http://www.clarksvilleonline.com/2008/09/23/red-light-cameras-in-the-volunteer-state-unsafe-unconstitutional-and-unnecessary/


    a huge fraction of the money collected goes out of state.


    they don't improve safety by any statistically significant amount.


    cities and companies doing this have been found to be adjusting yellow light times to "increase revenue" which causes more accidents.  If safety is the goal then adding 1 second to yellow light times is much more effective than these systems.

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  4. Not involved with the project, but I live across the street.  The developers have given us a couple briefings.  This article lays out the timeline, but just looking down at the site its pretty obvious that they are probably already a couple months further along on the hotel end than the apartments.





    "When will full-scale work begin and what is the timeline for construction of Buckingham Midtown?

    We expect to come out of the ground in January. We're expecting the retail component could be open in fall 2016, with the hotel to open in late 2016. The residential element will open in phases, with the first in fall 2016 and the second in spring 2017."

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