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Mr. Burnham

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Everything posted by Mr. Burnham

  1. Really completes that side of the block. Great addition to that area of Downtown. If only we could get some better restaurants and maybe some company's to this end of downtown. Give it some life.
  2. Middleton is pretty rough. It works and gets the job done, but a new library is needed.
  3. Holden was great when it came to promoting the city. Broome couldn't even convince a hurricane to come here if she tried.
  4. Cajun, as he is in most things we discuss here is very correct. Baton Rouge is big enough to attract some mid-level events that could attract tourism and business to the city. We could do this using facilities that currently exist. The key is a big city cheerleader that can inspire and motivate the city to go for stuff, and be willing themselves to dedicate their lives towards promoting the city. Baton Rouge hosted the World Special Olympics back in the 1980s, this past year they were held in Los Angeles...so it was a sizable event (though much larger now than then). The Pan-American Games would be quite the achievement...it's not currently realistic...but with the right business climate, investment in infrastructure, and a decreased hostility toward to the free market, I believe Baton Rouge could do it. Birmingham is hosting the similarly sized Global Games in 2021. Hell, a better Baton Rouge than the current one could probably even (with the right stuff and leader) host the Youth Olympic Games which is even a little smaller of an event than the previous events. You could host opening ceremonies at LSU, track/field at a renovated Bernie Mack, etc. you'd need some temporary venues constructed, athletes could be housed at the dorms, and we'd need way more hotel rooms, but in 20 years we could probably do it...but only with the right leaders. That's what all this comes down to. From hosting sporting events to attracting businesses, we need better leadership and a citizenry that is more willing to take risks and make big investments in both people and the economy. Under our cities current leadership I see things getting worse, but nothing lasts forever...even nightmares.
  5. I hate that corporate jargon bullcrap. If you're gentrifying just fudgeing say it.
  6. Win for Ascension Parish. They're about to be Brooklyn to our Manhattan.
  7. My money is on Denver, Boston, or NYC. Pittsburgh, Atlanta, or Chicago are my second tier.
  8. Amazon's distribution center still requires more high-skilled labor than what we have here.
  9. Houston has way more culture and unique activities than Baton Rouge does.
  10. You need a high skilled workforce that can do at least basic programming. Baton Rouge doesn't have that kind of population and it's because of our schools.
  11. Yeah, Dallas is booming rn. Harvey will only make things better for Dallas.
  12. So now our governor is thoroughly incompetent too. He just lost reelection.
  13. Eventually, all victims of oppression become active players in their own oppression.
  14. Really interesting article on NOLA. I agree with it...I'm already making plans to leave this state. It's just...too gone. http://www.nola.com/opinions/index.ssf/2017/09/lets_face_facts_louisiana_is_s.html#incart_2box
  15. God...why can't these developments build a angel love street grid that doesn't lead to huge traffic jams. One entrance/exit?
  16. It's connected to a larger park/trail element. I think the goal is to make the area more dynamic and energetic. The small businesses in the development will see more business if you have groups of tourists coming in and staying. This development honestly makes me think someone decided to take Seaside and put it in BR.
  17. I'm most excited about the fact that it looks like the whole thing connects well to both Nicholson and River Road...and it looks like they designed it so that it could connect to any future development in the area.
  18. I've noticed that our little BR sub-forum is more active than other places on this site. It's a little sad, but it's also kinda cool.
  19. This is a map I made a while back. It needs more stops in North BR, but I don't know NBR well enough to know where good stops for the buses would be. Basically. the map is what I think a good bus route system for the city could look like. https://drive.google.com/open?id=18QOvp1Eop3z27gCgLFnjuNPGHPU&usp=sharing I'll also add a Louisiana passenger rail system proposal map I made some time ago. It's pretty self-explanatory:
  20. Something tells me he's planning on running again...hmmm....
  21. While I would love to see that kind of public transportation in Baton Rouge, at this point in time it would be a waste of money. In order for public transportation to make money, public transportation has to make sense. At this point in time a tram line doesn't make sense. They should wait another five years for the Water Campus to grow out and the Nicholson Gateway project to complete.
  22. It's not difficult if the would be invaders take out our satellite and technologically blast us back to pre-WWII. The first strike would be to take out US Satellite's then to hack into American databases to offset GPS and other technological tools. Our communication networks would be down and our ships/planes would be severely impaired if GPS systems are offset. Concurrently, as you are destroying the communication networks of the nation you would (presuming Cuba is an anti-US collaborator) launch air strikes on the gulf coast, destroy the Panama Canal, take out US bases in the South East (or try to) and on the west coast launch target strikes against the American ghost fleets in the Bay Area. Invade Hawaii. Within 48 hours you wouldn't just cripple the US' ability for an intimidate retaliation, but you would cripple the US' ability to strike back for at least two years. The speech the President would give would literally be a Dunkirk speech if he opted not to go for a quick peace talks.
  23. Yeah, we have a fudgeton of oil and a deepwater port on the most important river in the nation. In a mass invasion we'd be attacked.
  24. We wouldn't need a zoo. I wish ALIVE had happened. I wasn't here when it happened, but I've found some articles and documents online about it and it seems like it would've really added some life to downtown north and the city as a whole.
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