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Posts posted by calebbink

  1. This might be wishful thinking on my part and coming out of left field, but I think high-end shops/retailers would do incredibly well in this area. Plus, according to the article in the Miami Herald, this is something Turnberry has already had a hand in (i.e. Aventura)If this could be incorporated into the plans of this proposed building somehow, I feel like you'd have a gold mine. It would really do a lot for this area. Again, this might be completely unfeasible and far-fetched.

  2. I live right on West End and work at Saint Thomas West, but have never really formed an opinion of whether I should support the AMP or not (which, I probably should have at this point). Either way, all of this back and forth with the government and the mayor and these people for and against is absolutely exhausting. It's really unfortunate because I feel like people of my age group (21-25) who live on West End would be open and progressive enough to use the AMP. But like I said, all of the arguing/change of plans/etc has left me without interest and at this point I could care less.


    Just an opinion. I don't know how old everyone is, but I just wanted to give my perspective from (what I feel) would be an age group who be ready and willing to use the AMP. Please nobody jump me (haha).

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  3. I'm sorry if I sound in any way pompous here, but the truth is, if Nashvillians (generally speaking) ever want their city to become the truly vibrant, urban, walkable, multi-functional city that it very much has the potential to be, then they are going to have to get over this obsession with always parking DIRECTLY NEXT to their destination absolutely all of the time. 

    This made my day.

    • Like 1
  4. For aesthetic reasons and others, I've always been fascinated with W and Westin properties. Even though not all of them are intricate and handsome buildings/properties, I really hope Starwood and the other groups who build the hotel make the investment and create something substantial and aesthetically pleasing here in Nashville.

  5. Thanks for the clarification. Not good for the AMP, of course, but maybe once people see the actual performance of the thing when it's stuck in traffic they will agree to a future revision of that stretch in the coming years.

    Agreed - if they put the AMP in with the normal flow of traffic with no dedicated lane (I believe this is what they're planning to do?), I don't see what the benefit will be. It's not going to get me from point A to point B any faster than if I were in my car.

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  6. During rush hour, I've had the opposite experience (particularly as you get closer to White Bridge), but to be fair, I haven't driven it enough to make a claim that it is like that every day. Any regular users of that route? Judging by the concerns expressed by the Richland area folks who were very opposed to losing a lane (or two), my assumption is that traffic is already pretty congested there. 

    I live right next to MBA on West End and I'm a pharmacy intern at Saint Thomas, so I'm there a lot during the week. Between 4:00 and 6:00pm if you're coming from West End making your way to White Bridge Road, you're going to be bumper to bumper. Even if you try to go around the traffic (i.e. going down Wilson and turn right behind MBA and down past Ensworth) you still hit bumper to bumper traffic. So yes, I would say from experience traffic is horrendous M-F.

    • Like 1
  7. For $800k, I'm not sure I would want to live right behind The End. It's a very loud club with nearly zero sound insulation. When I lived in The Lee, weekend nights were very loud. Not to mention rockers pissing and throwing beer bottles in the yards of these homes. And, there would be about 16 Units from The Lee looking down on you.

    I'm not saying I don't think it would be a nice place to live, given the right frame of mind. In fact, I loved living there when I was younger. But for nearly a million bucks, I think I could find better.

    I agree. I'm skeptical, but I really want these to do well. If they do, hopefully it'll raise land values and this area will really start to evolve.

  8. I know this is off topic, but I stayed at a W Hotel this past weekend in Atlanta. When I checked in and the concierge saw that I was from Nashville, they mentioned that they had been hearing about a W coming to Nashville? Can anyone speak to this, or is this (again) just a rumor?

  9. I agree 100% - I feel as if these are p-r-i-m-e pieces of land that have so much potential...and then something like this pops up.

    Like you said, not opposed to the residential development, but I feel like more thinking/planning should go into these projects. It seems like these developers want quick and easy. Just an opinion  :good:


    I'm a little 'bleh' about the Phoenix project between 16th and 17th a block off the roundabout. I think this location would suit a building with more substance than that of a low-rise, stucco faced, stick building. I would rather see a solid, mid-rise, mixed use building in this high profile area. This is highly visible from the 'split' at Broadway and West End and someday there will be a times square look to this area, especially if the West End Summit property ever develops. This mini-district deserves a better look.




    I am impressed by the amount of residential development occurring city-wide and would not normally want to discourage habitation of the urban core. But these stick buildings (five floors of lumber construction on a two story concrete garage) are filling up empty lots all over like so many barnacles on a boat. Maybe there needs to be some restrictions.

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  10. Hey guys - first time posting but I've been following along for awhile now.


    I frequent Bricktops across the street quite often, and the bartenders have been hearing that it's going to be a mattress store. If that's true, that's going to be a terrible waste of space. One of them said that the kitchen had been taken out, so they didn't think it would be a restaurant.

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