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Everything posted by MazzoMedia

  1. I think they should have left it "red, white, blue, red, white, blue" like it was during the DNC. That looked GREAT.
  2. Hey everyone. It looks like they are testing new lights on top of The Vue. I made a very short timelapse just to share what I'm seeing: http://youtu.be/gcggzksIE6c
  3. Here is what went on at the Ballpark today. The field is looking really good. http://youtu.be/E-pgIu61XKw
  4. just wanted to mention that there is small construction equipment on-site today at Skyhouse. I noticed a small dozer and 2 trucks with trailers and gear, but they were active even in the rain, so I put that in the plus column! Not much of an update, but at least it has started.
  5. Here is a timelapse update of "The Mint" as they drove foundation pillars into the ground today. http://youtu.be/FjhA1DX6mV8
  6. This is a timelapse of the incoming snowstorm in Charlotte, NC on 2/12/14. The video starts at about 8:40am, and captures frames up until about 3pm. Sorry for the poor quality, I used my balcony webcam for this one. http://youtu.be/8DU1J38raJU
  7. Here is a quick timelapse update on "The Mint" project. I hope you all enjoy. http://youtu.be/tti7jtNVMNA
  8. Thank you for posting this awesome pic Newlopw!
  9. but I'm talkin about right now, not 3 years from now.
  10. Latta Arcade. With the explosive growth of the 3rd ward, and the unique niche of the small corridor, I envision greatness at this juncture.
  11. Here is a timelapse video I made of about 2 hours of prep work at the new site. http://youtu.be/9-mFfgVmHko
  12. they are removing trees and asphalt at "The Mint" today. I am timelapsing it for ya'll and will post it this evening.
  13. i put up a webcam on my balcony. username is "urban", password is "planet". http://bs7934.myfoscam.org/
  14. I hiked up Crowders Mountain this morning and made a short timelapse of the fog rising. http://youtu.be/faJ0MewdedA
  15. I have not posted a timelapse of the South Mint apartments in a while, so here ya go! http://youtu.be/Ry8OBvdzwK0
  16. Hey ya go folks! This is a 2-week timelapse consolidated into about a minute. Construction crews Preparing the Field of Play at BB&T Ballpark in Charlotte NC between 10/17 - 11/06/2013. http://youtu.be/0E3ofGw8CQ8
  17. I just ran by the site, and there was a construction truck and 2 guys with shovels on the north side of the lot. I think there is some old utility there, and I have no clue if its related, but its the first activity I've ever seen in this lot.
  18. They ended up working until after dark and laid about half of the sod! Check this out! Feel free to share this link with your friends. I will post a 2-week timelapse of the entire field preparation later this week. Enjoy. http://youtu.be/7SW7OWd8nfo
  19. I havent been posting single day timelapses in a while, but couldnt resist the one from today. also, im working on something much bigger...stay tuned. http://youtu.be/9muYq3bk44o
  20. Here is today's timelapse to compliment the awesome pic from wend28!! I'll make a nice one of the sod very soon! http://youtu.be/YJYtRwKWflc
  21. It's getting really interesting at the Ballpark! Today they prepped the field for sod by laying tarps and covering them. http://youtu.be/-FmrMDk9h_8
  22. There was quite a bit of action today at the stadium. Man, I cant wait for this to open! Anyone wanna meet me for a beer? http://youtu.be/SDPnyUOdOAI
  23. Here is a pretty good pic of the seats and small upper deck seating too. I'll post a timelapse tonight.
  24. MazzoMedia

    10 17 13 104424

    From the album: QC

  25. Here is today's timelapse of SouthMint Apartments. For some reason, Jenga comes to mind about half way thru...LOL! It looks MUCH better in HD if you click this link instead of viewing the embedded video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGDpyM9OZPw&hd=1
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