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Everything posted by victory

  1. Well, that's the big question. A lot of folks have insinuated there will be some type of public announcement this week; in fact the project has been referred to as 11/10. I truly hope we learn something soon.
  2. Wow! This is an impressive development. I look forward to learning more about it.
  3. A new six story hotel will be built at the corner of Hampton and Wayne Streets, which ironically enough, is right across the street from my office. I was not able to read the paywall protected story in The State today, so I am unsure of any other details. Perhaps someone could post them here.
  4. Even more gossip around town on the massive redevelopment of the stadium area. In addition to retail, bars, restaurants, hotels, and new sports facilities for every Carolina sports team, a couple of folks say the project would include a new football stadium. Its thought it would be built with a smaller seating capacity, ala an NFL stadium, with nicer amenities than Williams-Brice. Non university sports teams (traveling soccer, baseball, softball, tennis, cheer, etc) would utilize the new facilities year round, for tournaments, and local high schools are thought to also have similar access. I wish they'd go ahead and put out the grand announcement. I can't wait to hear the plan details, and view renderings.
  5. victory

    Five Points

    I guess they've been closed for about one year. Duncan McRae had been on site, running day to day operations since it opened in 1978. I guess it was time. Will miss it, though.
  6. victory

    Five Points

    https://www.rubybrunch.com/?olonwp=JjBtp_vMLk25gkYh_bnoiQ This place is opening where Yesterday's used to be. Anyone been to the one in Chas? I hope it's good. Regardless, Yesterday's will always remain with me, as a fun, anti-pretentious, affordable spot to laugh with friends, and enjoy a good meal and libations.
  7. https://www.batteryatl.com/ More rumblings on a Gamecocks sports message board, with some comparing it to the Battery in Atlanta, or Clark St, outside Wrigley Field in Chicago. Some saying, in addition to hotels, restaurants, bars, etc, there will be a new basketball specific arena, and other sporting venues. One poster said he believed land on both sides of Bluff Rd, from Williams Brice Stadium to I-77, has been/is in the process of being, purchased for this. I love the speculation.
  8. This is phase 2 of the Carolina Crossroads project.
  9. https://www.wistv.com/2022/09/13/grand-strand-gets-one-step-closer-state-of-the-art-surf-park/ This is a good development for Myrtle Beach.
  10. I don't know. Something is afloat. It may not end up being the Fairgrounds, but parcels of surrounding land. I'll certainly link info about it, when the public announcement is made. I sure hope the deal isn't contingent on the Gamecocks having a good football season. I'm a fan..and a realist. If you hear anything in Charlotte, please share.
  11. Heard yesterday this will be a 1 billion dollar investment, to be completed in 4 stages. I hope they announce it soon. I have never been very patient.
  12. I would agree. I would not make any changes to the Peace Center's exterior. It is just right, as is.
  13. I am hearing a lot of chatter about a transformative project near Williams Brice Stadium. One of my sources has indicated it will be on the portion of the Fairgrounds property that actually represents the midway (not the grassy parking area), and that it essentially will be an athletic and shopping complex like that at Disney. Others have compared it to the Battery entertainment district, surrounding the Braves' suburban ballpark, featuring hotels, residential, restaurants, etc. Does anyone know anything about this? Would love to see some preliminary renderings. I, for one, would not miss the State Fair, at its current location. I'd be delighted to see something of this magnitude take its place.
  14. More housing on the way. https://www.wistv.com/2022/08/31/new-housing-plans-unveiled-bullstreet-district/
  15. https://www.wistv.com/2022/08/26/plans-revitalize-finlay-park-final-stages-construction-expected-begin-this-spring/ I hope this plan brings the park back to life.
  16. Interesting story on the conversion of a church into apartments on Rosewood. https://www.thestate.com/homes/article264560306.html
  17. Opening next Spring. Going to be massive, and one of a kind! https://columbiabusinessreport.com/news/construction/82424/
  18. https://www.newsbreak.com/news/2706158051944/after-years-of-visioning-south-main-street-is-still-ugly-usc-says-it-won-t-be-for-long I'm trying to get my bearings here. There appears to be a smokestack in the rendering, which would be where the Horseshoe sits.
  19. I visited REI yesterday, and had lunch at Publico. I intend to catch a Fireflies game in the next two weeks. Folks, I have to say I was a little blown away by the amount of construction going on, and the quality of it. This is going to be a destination. It is starting to feel like its own separate downtown area. It took years to gain traction, but from what I saw yesterday, it is full speed ahead, with multiple buildings rising at once.
  20. Perhaps I should have left this in "coffee house". See what I did there? https://www.postandcourier.com/free-times/food/nibbles_and_sips/north-mains-curiosity-coffee-bar-begins-selling-canned-nitro-cold-brew-around-the-city/article_9ca3a1a0-0f7a-11ed-816c-9bfe62f8fb9c.html
  21. New hotel planned near Lexington Medical Center. https://www.postandcourier.com/columbia/business/new-hotel-planned-for-bustling-west-columbia-hospital-corridor/article_367ab6de-09bc-11ed-9452-cb79ff28e789.html#tncms-source=article-nav-next
  22. victory


    Dum spiro spero..while I breathe, I hope. Folks, this transformative plan, which has been in existence since 2007, is still active. The bridge over Greene Street should open any day. Greene is the main artery in this plan, and I forsee a lot more development on the way, for this part of our downtown. https://planninganddevelopment.columbiasc.gov/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/innovistamasterplan.pdf
  23. https://www.aol.com/news/controversial-downtown-columbia-hotel-clears-215717721.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAH1yoC9uHEADw0xCXwAv_IRlijd_1yRf9-bhadxXpjy11obJdiiZllhRf7AjA8oOjSvhoSnj1dnoW1L3ApPOT-HPJhz4il_E15nH4ZV4nTvsMM6kDwTsZOSPy3sDU-XDBILyn1bmhxM0bBIeDA91YHZ5Zh7f6J0Wdnm6VVwPGjyt 1st approval made yesterday.
  24. New hotel and parking deck for the Vista. https://www.wltx.com/article/money/business/mixed-feelings-proposed-vista-hotel-columbia-sc/101-5acf5b22-da2c-406c-bc31-4d73ffc1fee2
  25. https://www.wltx.com/article/news/community/housing-parking-and-walkable-art-gallery-proposed-for-bull-street-district-columbia-southcarolina/101-36882300-4150-498d-86de-e7b4fdab5539 More housing and a public art gallery. I drove by the site last week, and it is really filling out. Still haven't taken in a Fireflies' game yet, but will soon.
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