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Posts posted by GTR

  1. 21 minutes ago, AndyPok1 said:

    ... or more desirable because you can take your pup right across the street?

    I don't think it would have made it any less inconvenient if they had located it on the other side of the park.

  2. Interesting location for the dog park on that property. It's like they deliberately tried to make the Brownstones' location even more undesireable. You have your choice of looking out onto garages or rundown duplexes or you can be right next to the dog run with the nice smell of a fully-loaded trash bin of dog crap wafting into your windows.

    • Like 2
  3. I am happy that they are not going through with the highrise at this time because I highly doubt it would be the type of building that parcel of land deserves. Something needs to go there that spurs the redevelopment of Lake Lucerne, lots of untapped potential there.

  4. 9 hours ago, StaLP said:

    Coming in super late to the conversation... But to the individuals commenting on CNL III beating this development out of the ground obviously aren't very well informed... The CNL project has been at a standstill for several months and even had the majority of its progress revoked by the city. Their submissions were on temporary hold for some time. Their pre-leasing flyers for the project are dated back to the Q1 2015... And we have only heard rumors of any real tenants.

    Aside from the turmoil within the CNL company as a whole (disbanding their real estate services, etc.), they will be 12-18 months behind this or any other project going forward. They're basically having to start over. Pretty certain that this "Tremont Tower" is our best bet at a downtown high rise development breaking ground in 2016.

    12 months is still sooner than never, although I hope I am wrong. ThIs is the office version of Citi Tower, so maybe I will be. 

  5. The original look wasn't attractive at all, so no loss here. One thing I will say is that I really like the layout and land use of this design. Developers of townhomes often have some "interior" units that open out onto a narrow and useless interior courtyard (see the Brownstones at Thorton Park), which allows them to pack in a few more units and point to there being some common space (as useless as it is). The design of this place prevents anyone having to have a less desirable interior unit.

  6. 2 hours ago, orlandoguy said:

    On my way up to dinner at Citrus last night I noticed a sign for a new cafe in the window of the old Virgin Olive/Green Day space. According to their Facebook page they expect to open this month:


    I believe they have been doing catering for a while. Hopefully the food is a lot better.

  7. I really don't think that part of the City needs another hotel and that is probably why the number of submissions was so low. Hopefully this spurs an expansion of the Grand Bo, which I would rather see than an all new hotel.

    As far as what to do with the space, while I applaud the idea of more green space, it is going to look real lopsided to have that space empty if CNL III is still a go. Plus the City needs the money from that land. So what can they do with that space? I can't see the need for another office tower there if it is taking this long for CNL, Capital Plaza and Tremont to pull the trigger. Maybe save the space until the condominium market eventually comes back.


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  8. 1 hour ago, JFW657 said:

    I think the Park Lake design is much more fitting for that neighborhood, especially with the darker colors. I'm tired of seeing these bleached out looking white & grey buildings that look more like they belong in Miami, going into the old tree lined neighborhoods in downtown Orlando.


    I agree, but doo-doo brown is hardly an appealing color either.

    • Like 1
  9. The SoDo townhouses look so much more attractive. Seems odd the better design would be hidden away in not the best of neighborhoods and the weaker design would be used in a high-value focal point setting:

  10. 3 hours ago, JFW657 said:

    I would be willing to bet that once that soccer stadium opens up and begins drawing fans there by the thousands, it will attract new development in the immediate surroundings.

    Plus, as I understand it, they are going to open the stadium up for use by local amatuer leagues and youth soccer clinics, etc, so that would be another attraction for businesses like restaurants etc to open up nearby.


    I am sure that will happen too, but will take time for those developments to come to fruition. Not going to pop up over night or even over the period of a few months.

  11. 13 hours ago, JFW657 said:

    So they announced on the news today that the team won't start playing at the new stadium as soon as they expected due to construction delays that will push back the opening to 2017. Hence, they will be playing at the Citrus Bowl for another entire season.



    Walking by the construction site after the Citrus Bowl (or technically during third quarter) I was in disbelief that the stadium would be up and running for any part of this season.  

    One issue I encountered on my long and depressing walk back from the Citrus Bowl was the complete lack of any potential stadium-supporting infrastructure around the new soccer arena. It is a decent walk from the arena to Church Street for a drink pre- or post-game. I cannot realistically see anything going up in time for the first season there. Stonewall is going to make a killing (and confuse quite a few people walking in unknowingly).


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  12. 3 hours ago, gibby said:

    The permit for the Mariposa (phase 3) property (fence and gravel) says that it's for "construction laydown" so that will be the staging area for the 520 project.

    Thank you for clarifying. I was starting to think they switched phases in order to keep the income from the parking lot as long as they could and then using the parking lot on Phase 3 for public parking. That lot can be quite full on the weekends, wonder where it is going to all go.

  13. 1 hour ago, gibby said:

    The Mariposa site has the new fence around it.  I'm not sure what it's for.  Maybe they are just fencing off that lot to use it for staging for construction of 520 E Church?  It could be that they will build the Mariposa lot first.  Either way, something seems to be happening faster than I had expected.

    The Mariposa lot was supposed to be Phase 3, but maybe they are deciding to move forward with it first since it appears to have less units than Phase 2 (i.e., safer). 

  14. 4 hours ago, Jernigan said:

    Maybe is best for all of these residents to be pushed to dining on Central or Eola to build up a real scene there.   The hidden gems can be later tucked away in the neighborhood 

    I didn't envision a full dining establishment as I agree those should be pushed to the other more established nearby areas, but I would have thought a bar with the ability to serve limited food items (like Franks) would have been a given. Don't know if this space allows for something like that. Maybe an Eola Wine setup though.

    Odds on a smokeshop or vapeshop going in one of the spaces are probably very high!



  15. I was surprised when walking by the other day that there appears little to no room for a restaurant or bar space on the ground floor. I knew most of the ground floor was going to be live/work space but I would have thought the corner unit would have been designed to accommodate more. Maybe I missed it. 

  16. I am happy the little guy triumphed (although the backer of this project sounded like an uneducated douche on tv), but you have to wonder if Universal's plan entailed buying everything up between Wet N' Wild and the new land and completely leveling and reimagining North I Drive as we know it. Would have been amazing if that's what they envisioned. 

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