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Posts posted by ingvegas

  1. Greenville News has an article titled, "Development Interests spent $77,000 on County Council...." It's behind a pay-wall so I wasn't able to read it. 

    I see an article today about a "hasty passage of county development rule..." Basically, County Council railroaded new land-development regulations that benefit developers and encourage sprawl.

    Does anyone know if there is any relation between the two articles (i.e. did the County Council members that received money from development interests approve the new land-development regulations)? Are our county council representatives being bought by special interests? 

  2. 58 minutes ago, apaladin said:

    Small ones. 

    I think the market they're looking to fill is the high-end business convention. Small? Yes. Lucrative? Very.

    Think medical conferences (continuing learning requirement), engineering conferences, legal conferences (continuing learning requirements), medical device, corporate marketing and sales gatherings, accounting conferences, regional or nationwide corporate gathering, etc. Basically, it's space to get a large number of people together for speakers, presentations, and seminars. Then maybe additional space large enough to host a party for hundreds of people at one time - in the middle of downtown nonetheless. Nothing involved with products (car-show, boat-show, garden-show, or wedding-show).

    Greenville doesn't have this type of space right now. It probably is very risky for a private hotel group to build this type of space with this square-footage in this market. New Orleans, Atlanta, Chicago, Washington DC all have hotels with this type of conference space and square footage. These "conference hotels" will host and profit from these events. I've been to all these cities and stayed at these "conference hotels" for continuing learning education requirements (you basically sit in a giant hall for a couple of days and listen to seminars, there is a separate large breakout hall for vendor booths and the free daily breakfast, and maybe a different space set-up for a buffet style dinner with an open bar/live music on one of the nights of the conference. Attendees all go out for lunch each day, and also dinner at night at a high-end restaurant for special meal with colleges or clients (plus drinks late into the evening). 

    Greenville doesn't have this.   So Greenville loses out on revenue to the cities that get these events with all the high-spenders who stay in expensive hotel rooms, and put expensive food, drinks, and entertainment on the corporate card for an eventual write-off. Plus attendees might also do shopping, or see experience Greenville for the first time and decide to relocate. So the convention center could help indirectly attract new professionals and talent, too.  

    Edit (examples):

    DC: https://www.marriott.com/hotels/event-planning/business-meeting/wasjw-jw-marriott-washington-dc/#m-capacity-container

    New Orleans: https://www.hyatt.com/en-US/hotel/louisiana/hyatt-regency-new-orleans/msyrn/special-events

    Chicago: https://www.hyatt.com/en-US/hotel/illinois/hyatt-regency-chicago/chirc/special-events

    • Like 3
  3. That's a big lot with a lot of potential. Rendering looks cheap.  Too bad it couldn't be a District West - Phase II.

    I hope they at least include some street level retail along Westfield Street,  even if it is just a local walk-in corner-mart for all the condo residents in the area. Kind of a dead-zone between downtown and The Commons. 

  4. Hard to make a quick profit, but anyone else wish these developers would be in a war to build the most beautiful buildings instead of the fastest dollar?  Isn't that what set off the tremendous architecture in Chicago? 

    The city and county should create an award to give to the best development - and throw in some tax breaks to the winner.  



    • Like 1
  5. True, but if you ever ate at Toss then you know they deserved to go. All other retail in that building has been consistent. 

    The Grand Bohemian and this development (if done right) have the opportunity to anchor, accelerate, and model future development in the East Broad section of Downtown. 

    • Like 2
  6. 7 minutes ago, vicupstate said:

    Any retail business would struggle in that location for MANY years to come. There is no way they would be profitable.  

    Why exactly do you believe this?

    A giant upscale hotel will be next door. Camperdown is a block away with 200 hotel rooms and 215 apartments.  Hyatt Regency is 1/4 mile away. High-income long-term residential abounds in all other directions.  

    Sidewall is doing very well and is at a location that is not nearly as advantageous.  This development, with a parking garage, will pull from local neighborhood and also from downtown. 

    • Like 3
  7. On 4/21/2021 at 7:12 PM, Skyliner said:

    This is a bit frustrating.

    I love the decision to bring hundreds of new jobs into the urban center of the Upstate region, and I love the fact that they plan to replace a bland and aging structure with a brand new corporate office building.

    HOWEVER, the position of the new building is strange because it will sit away from its primary street frontage and simultaneously will destroy the most attractive portion of the property -- the trees along Falls Street overlooking the park below.  The building design itself appears to be as expected, a 4-6 floor bland glass box.

    I would greatly prefer the new building's placement directly adjacent to the sidewalk, similar to the current building.  This is why I was so vocal in opposing the lack of retail space under Camperdown along Falls Street.  Developers seem to think nobody has interest in walking/dining/shopping along that street, but I have seen lots of pedestrians in that area and believe Falls Street has (or had) the potential to become a very attractive retail district.  Unfortunately these new developments will extend the feeling that this area, which is literally a block from Main Street and Falls Park on the Reedy, is only useful for parking and/or passing through on our way to other attractions.

    This x 10. 

    I live in this neighborhood. Pedestrians and bicyclists are constantly walking to/from Downtown to Cancer Park, the two pocket-parks (Sue Simpson and Rose Garden), and Sidewall. IMHO, this development, as currently planned, adds little and will likely devalue what this area could be.

    One could argue that it worsens the area because it builds a parking lot between the building and the street, and it appears  many of the mature trees will get taken down so the building can be set back further and get more commercial exposure from Church Street. Take out those trees and things will look a lot different from all directions. This will change the look of that corner, significantly. It will not add value. 

    An Open Letter to United Community:

    Hey Bank! If you're reading this, then you already know, we are not big fans of what we smell cooking right now. Why not build up to the street with consumer inviting non-bank retail that will bring the foot traffic to your bank-retail?  Banks want foot-traffic, right?  Banks like exposure, right? Banks like collecting lease-money from successful tenants, right? Banks like talking about how they provide ways for local retail to grow, right? You want your hard working office workers and lucrative clients to have someplace that is nice and close to meet, drink, and talk money and debt? So not why share part of the first floor with an upscale coffee/bagel shop, or delicatessen (i.e. something like Reid's Fine Foods).  And yes, please throw in a locally-owned specialty food store (maybe a bakery, cheese shop, butcher, or wine store)? 

    Oh, and don't be another corporate bully. Keep those big and beautiful trees along the Church St. Connector and Church Street. Hey, did you know that a well placed and classy sign makes a better billboard for who you are and your business than using a huge ugly building to announce your presence to the area.  Stay classy.  A nice building surrounded by old trees makes it look like you've been there a really long time. People trust maturity. So be cool, don't be needy. Be a retail facilitator, and not an invading corporate degenerate.

    All the Best, 

    p.s. This note is a little salty, but we're really glad to have you in our neighborhood. I hope what you build makes me want to move my accounts from the Big-Bad-National to you.  I really want you to hold my monies. 

    • Like 2
  8. Local community to make long-term and permanent sacrifices in the name of protecting developers short-term profits. Get ready for more traffic and loss of  quality of life thanks to "leaders" who seek to help the few over the many and the future generations.


    Instead of repealing Article 3.1 wholesale because it is "too vague" the objectors must bring specific changes they want and debate that. Not just lot size, but road and environmental requirements for development. It's too easy to say "repeal!" and not come up with objectively supported plans to address the complaints.

    Otherwise, this is clearly a naked attempt to cater to developers at the cost of traffic, poor planning, and plant the seeds of additional sprawl of Atlanta proportions. Watch them try to blame the litigation costs for the repeal.

  9. I think the 12-story height limit is a wise decision at that particular site.  Some really smart and experienced urban planners would agree (Sasaki Associates, Inc., Downtown Greenville Master Plan page 41-42). To each his own, but the city made the right call. I think this will turn out very well.

    Now, if we could just get a 30-story building built at the Gateway site....

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  10. A 10 year statement might be in the agreement, but I don't think it is enforceable. If the government can take your private property under eminent domain then it can ignore a private developer's contract to terminate future development of a government owned property. 

    If this falls through, which I don't think it will, then I suspect the County would be on the hook for refunding RocaPointe for their actual time costs and actual investment as damages. However, Roca will not have standing to stop future development of the site by another developer.  Roca was aware of the city's zoning requirements and the city's control of future development at the site at the time of purchase (so the County would actually have arguments to not even pay actual damages if Roca tries to pull out because they didn't get the zoning variances they want). Plus, assuming Roca is even compensated for their time and actual investment, then I don't see how it would be a wise business move to risk a large sum in attorney fees just to stop the County from developing the site at a later date with someone else. It does not help Roca's future bottom line. 

    In short, I believe the "10-year mothball" is an unenforceable contract provision and carries no real weight. 

  11. From the article:

    County Councilman Ennis Fant said Tuesday. "It's either 3.5 million square feet with green space, trails and organization. Or 6 million square feet of chaos with nothing. Do you have a choice, really?"

    I'm still confused by the argument. So Ennis threatens our county with "six million feet of chaos" because of six stories and oversight from the DRB on pre-existing requirements? Wouldn't that 3.5 million sq. feet be more valuable with green space, trails, and organization anyway?  How can he threaten "chaos" if any development is still required to follow DRB rules?

    Someone needs to run against this guy. https://www.wyff4.com/article/greenville-county-councilman-ennis-fant-owes-dollar55k-in-property-taxes-anderson-county-assessors-office-says/27498514




    • Thanks 1
  12. 2 hours ago, gvegascple said:

    I agree.  I feel like the developer and the county are basically daring the city to tell them to go pound sand.  Try to build out without green space and capped at 5 floors.  The developer will bail, the county will be out 3.5M and be back to square one.  This is a stupid hill to die on for them.  In this negotiating field, the city has escalation dominance.   If it goes to a back and forth, ultimately the county will end up the loser. The city is trying to work with them because this is a good project and the county is playing games. 

    I hope the city tells them to pound sand. This is a public shakedown. 

  13. 5 minutes ago, gman430 said:

    Yep. I wouldn’t be surprised if the entire project gets cancelled now. This is what happens when the government gets involved. 

    I'm optimistic for compromise resulting in a win-win-win (developer-county-city).  Government is not perfect, but it stands to represent the desires of many (local citizens), rather than wishes of a few (corporation). Realistically, the land is too valuable for Rocca to walk away from. If they do then someone else (better?) will more than happily step in and do it right. 

  14. 1 hour ago, johnpro318 said:

    I'm surprised no one has mentioned this $2.1 million plan to revamp Field Street to become Jackson Way: https://gvltoday.6amcity.com/jackson-way-greenville-sc/

    Wow, yes, this could be a great development. It's a mini-version of the what is outside the new Atlanta Brave stadium, Suntrust Park.  I thought that the best part and experience of going to Suntrust Park was actually outside the stadium in the community area with outdoor music, shade, and the ability to drink and eat outside.  Everyone likes to lounge to music in the shade, eat/drink, and people watch. 

    That apartment developer, and the stadium, should consider building a few restaurant and bar areas that open to this street, and leave room for a live music stage. The street to be easily closed for live music events on game days and Friday nights in the off-season.  A perfect community and revenue building space. 

  15. I haven't heard anyone say that Greenville should not have any tall buildings. Project One, Camperdown, etc. - all great projects and appropriately placed.  They could have been made even taller.

    Some people just don't think tall buildings on County Square promotes the best overall long-term outcome. I think their opinion is supported by prior master plan recommendations, road infrastructure, the nature of the surrounding neighborhoods, and topography. 

    Tall buildings should be built. Build them  on Main Street, the Broad / River District, West Washington, or the Gateway site. 

    You don't need a tall building to say you live in a great city. Neighborhoods and the character of the local citizens and leadership make a city, not a 20 story building. 

  16. Agreed, Sasaki might say it's a great idea, but the problem is we don't know that. Any argument to the contrary is consequently subjective speculation.  Arguing that downtown has changed over the last 10 years is really not new evidence. The Sasaki Master Plan pretty much envisioned the growth and change that has already occurred in other areas of the downtown area (pretty remarkably, btw). I think the Sasaki plan carries a lot of weight based on the development that has occurred since it's recommendations were made, and also all subsequent Master Plans seem borrow rather heavily on it. 

    I've pasted what the report says for County Square below (a link to the entire plan can be found at: https://www.greenvillesc.gov/DocumentCenter/View/283/Downtown-Master-Plan-PDF).

    County Square

    A redeveloped County Square on University Ridge has the potential to become an exciting new intown neighborhood complemented by a complex of county and other offices (Figures 5.14 - 5.15). New development can take advantage of the hilltop location and views of downtown, while responding carefully to the context of the Governor’s School for the Arts and the small scale residential buildings on Howe Street. Church Street gives the site visibility and direct access out to Interstate 385.

    Redevelopment of County Square can also reinstate a stronger connection between Church Street and the West End and down to the Green Necklace along the river. Located on a high hill overlooking the Reedy River, this site was the historic campus of Furman University before it moved out of downtown in 1961. The gracious campus was redeveloped into a one story shopping mall and movie theater surrounded by surface parking lots. The historic alignment of University Ridge as it meandered from Cleveland Street through the site to the West End was changed. With the demise of the shopping center, the buildings were renovated into county offices and a family court employing 683 workers and providing services to many residents.

    Encompassing approximately 30 acres, County Square is large enough to feature a range of housing types, meeting the needs of different people who may want to live downtown. On the western edge, smaller scale townhouses will complete the character of Howe Street. Four to six story loft buildings could step up the hill from Howe Street and the Governor’s School, with greater heights and density along University Ridge and moving to the west side of the site, where ten to twelve stories would be appropriate.

    At a similar scale, the County offices could command the corner of Church Street and University Ridge. The main street for this district will be the realigned University Ridge extension that connects to the existing rotary. Since shared parking between the stadium and the county offices will continue to be a factor, a strong connection is warranted and will help organize the district. A network of new streets and smaller blocks will open up development opportunities and make the site permeable for walking.

    As the buildings step up the hill, each will take advantage of the striking views of downtown and the riverfront parks in the foreground. A series of civic spaces on the hill will allow for more public views opening to the north. If a civic building is warranted, a prominent location overlooking downtown and along the main street should be considered. This new residential and office development will increase the population of people shopping and dining in the West End and on Main Street. The site is within walking distance (5 to 15 minutes) but can also be accessed easily by bicycle, an expanded trolley route, or of course automobile.

    As such, retail uses in County Square should be limited so as to not compete with the Main Street experience. A coffee shop and other neighborhood scaled retail will add convenience, especially on the Church Street side. Big box retail and “lifestyle centers” that would detract from downtown should not be considered for this prime redevelopment site.

  17. I'm for the development, but I disagree with opinions regarding the impact that height will have. I'd rather see a dense community of 6-8 story buildings that are mixed use.  I think that would create a better overall community and mitigate traffic concerns on surrounding roads. 

    Scott Towers is not a similar analogy. The Scott Towers were 14 stories. And  they stuck out, bad.  And I'll keep a straight face and argue Camperdown is not similar until someone can tell me that County Square is at the exact same elevation as the Camperdown. It's not.  County Square sits on a hill overlooking the Camperdown project.

    Again, I'm not against the development. I'm just against 20 stories.  Why? One reason is Sasaki Associates, Inc., Downtown Greenville Master Plan, 2008 - recommended limited height at this site. That recommendation is the basis of the current zoning law. They're pretty smart and successful urban planning group. Sure, it's a recommendation that is 11 years old, but can someone give me another study from an objective third party urban planner that says the best use at the site is multiple 20 story buildings?  (Citation desperately needed).  


  18. I hope the city continues to deny the 20-story heights. It's a bad idea. Not a good look, doesn't match the area, and I don't think the roads support it. 

    County Argument:  "That affects our density," Kernell said. "And density is the key for us because we are trying to maximize our value."

    "Our value." Kernell sounds like he is on the side of the developer, not the citizen.  Would Kernell care about unsustainable density at that site if the County wasn't lusting after an ostentatious and pretentious government building that will be used by less than 0.5% of the county population? There would be no pressure if the county just built a normal building, big enough for future needs, at 1/3 of the cost, or at another site to give the developer more acreage. 

    Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants. - Epictetus

  19. I'd take 2 ten story buildings over one twenty story building.  Take City Hall, for example. I believe it is approximately 10 stories stories. Now double the height AND put it up on higher elevation.  It will stick out and not look good.  Has anyone seen renderings of this building? 

    I like the idea of clustering the taller buildings along northern side of the development and then tapering back height as it moves south to blend in with the residential areas there. 

    Maybe with a proper mix of living, business, and retail/restaurants the traffic will not get too bad......maybe.

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