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    Norfolk, Va

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  1. http://www.wtkr.com/news/wtkr-norfolk-shar...0,3665586.story Looks like Norfolk is getting a basketball team!!
  2. There used to be an old ugly barn thing right there for the stables theater. They started tearing it down about mid-july and its been pretty silent ever since. However, that building that was there originally needed to go. It wasn't very pleasing to look at walking to school.
  3. I went to boar's nest the other night and it was weak. I've basically concluded that it'll be pretty dry there over the summer, because during the school year there are a lot of girls that go there. I don't know though. Also, the land directly behind the Ted that I am talking about is currently being used for the Saturday concert series they have going on throughout the summer; which are free concerts but they serve alcohol. Someone on the planning commission told me that the school is open to ideas and working on their own for that spot.
  4. I live on 42nd st right next to the village and we use those restaurants a lot. Sobo has really good $5 calzones, Boar's Nest has a better night life then they do food, and I personally like La Huradurra mexican. Also, I talked to a professor on campus the other day about the land right behind the Ted next to the bookstore and the school has intentions of building there in the near future.
  5. Drove on hampton blvd today by ODU. They cleared out the whole block from 38th to 37th st. (I believe) on the village side of ODU for the new dorms. Also, on the opposite side of hampton blvd. they cleared out the land next to chinese carry-out for some development. Everything kinda got emptied out of nowhere.
  6. hey not sure if anyone else has seen this or not, it was my first time. But I found this on wikipedia of a cool rendering of the Quad ...hope it's something new for most of you. =) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:ODU_Quad.JPG
  7. oh, alright thanks. When I left school they were putting up the blue fence so I never really got to see it progress. lol thanks though
  8. thats behind the garage..ther was something goin on in front of it..it wasnt on construction updates on their website but theres a pic of a building on the master plan just no explanation..idk
  9. hey i have been home in northern virginia till july but i havent heard/seen anything about what they were starting next to the TED on the right next to mcdonald's? does anyone have any idea what is going in there?
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