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Posts posted by southslider

  1. 6 hours ago, urbanlover568 said:

    Bless your heart :tw_innocent:

    When can I vote by mail?

    You can begin the process to vote by mail right now. Play it safe: don’t wait until the deadline to request or return your ballot. Request your ballot now, and vote and return your ballot as soon as you receive it.
    Deadline to request your ballot: 5 PM on Tuesday, October 27
    Deadline to submit your ballot: 5 PM on Tuesday, November 3, 2020



    Correct, mail-in voting is allowed, and should be encouraged.  I mean if it's good enough for the current occupant of the White House to use, it should be good enough for everyone.

    My earlier point was that in-person voting is even more archaic than waiting to pay your taxes on the final day, since at least the latter allows from any location, while the former only your polling place. A nation created to escape living under taxation without representation as former colonies should never accept voting having more difficulty or restrictions than paying taxes.

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  2. 21 hours ago, urbanlover568 said:

    Early voting IS absentee voting LMAO. Calling trump a Dictator. The hysterics are laughable. 

    He only wishes he were. He's not even a leader.

    Imagine you could only pay taxes on April 15th at your ZIP code's post office, that's like only voting on election day at your polling place. Now add paying taxes before April 15th, but still limited by post offices, and that's early voting. But why not just online or any mailbox?

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  3. 3 hours ago, NYtoCLT said:

    I assume since the existing line already went under 277 by the Government Center, no pedestrian improvements are being planned there?  That is my typical walking route to work (when I decide to be the only pedestrian commuter in CLT).  The underpass does really create a mental barrier that separates the walk in a negative way.  Spending some amount on pedestrian improvements like the above could be huge especially since there is usually decent foot traffic around there with CPCC.

    Yep, already done under 277. And the W Trade ped enhancements under 77 is a City bond project funded separately from Streetcar

  4. 2 hours ago, JeanClt said:

    If the silver line doesn’t get shelved it will pass by that area and with the proposed station being where it is proposed to be. The radius of comfortable walking distance and area of most influence is about a radial distance of 0.5mi  which includes that entire area. The picture below is possibly slight less than the 0.5mi but it includes that area almost entirely. Infill will surely happen then, if investors catch the wind of the Silver line with TOD.


    Interesting that the walk circle stops at Independence, despite Pecan having a decent underpass with sidewalks and lighting, but crosses the railroad, where Central is about the only mediocre crossing for pedestrians.

    Also seriously question how anyone would regularly transfer between Gold Line at Sunnyside and Silver Line at Pecan.

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