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Everything posted by Captain_Planet

  1. Not really...it gets a little messy so to abbreviate lets use some acronyms: T25 (Tower 25 currently under construction), T35 (Tower 35 future construction), TB (existing Towers Building), BW (Butterworth Hospital), LHCP (Lemmen-Holton Cancer Pavilion currently under construction). Okay, here it goes (picture Jim Carrey when he gets pulled over by the cop in Liar Liar).... Some TB tenants are moving into T25, several BW occupants will move into the LHCP which will provide space for current TB tenants to relocate to BW, some TB tenants will move directly into the LHCP, and then there will be another minor shuffle when T35 is completed. Clear as mud?
  2. Actually, the top 3 floors of Tower 25 (the one under construction) will be fit out for a hotel. Tower 35 (the one to be built roughly where the current Towers Building sits) will be primarily leased by Spectrum and will contain offices and some surgery suites. And to my knowledge every square foot of the entire RDV/Christman property has been leased/bought.
  3. I believe you are correct. I attended one of their public info sessions at the Davenport campus quite a few beers ago and the details are now a little fuzzy.
  4. I agree, bandwidth was probably the driving factor. However, a continuous stream of images provides a lot of information which could be used for any number of reasons not benefitting VAI - i.e serious accidents on the construction site, extended general conditions claims, etc. However, if it's only broadcast within their organization, they not only control who has access but what those with access can do with the images. Deep pockets = tight control.
  5. Liability. VAI runs a tight ship and it doesn't surprise me at all that they'd password protect the cams.
  6. There won't be a crane until a design is finalized, bid, and awarded. Set your sights on Q1/Q2 of 2008.
  7. Once the stone is washed it will be the same color; until then it will appear lighter. I believe that's just a baby crawler - 110 ton max...GRC doesn't own a crane that can erect a decent sized tower. They'll need a 300 ton w/ extension for a tower crane.
  8. The chemical grouting isn't exactly new in the US, but many aspects of this particular project are unique and never used anywhere. Typically the grout pipes are installed vertically and the grout is injected from the bottom towards the top of each pipe and it is usually for veins of sand or loose soils. However, this project had to use horizontal grout pipes and the area was entirely composed of very loose sand. Also, they relied primarily on a fully automated laser guidance system to provide excavation references in lieu of the standard optical equipment - it was the first time Kiewit had ever excavated and grouted a NATM tunnel in this manner. This short little tunnel was one of the highlighted projects at the international underground construction convention this year for these reasons.
  9. The LHCP Crane is 196'-10" to the tip from the base and will be pulled out approx. August of this year. No word on when Wolverine is planning on putting theirs up, but rest assured that it will be coordinated.
  10. This is rleuthueser - I couldn't access this site anymore for some reason. My comments were taken extremely literally and whole-heartedly personal by some members of this forum. I'm not sorry for the comments, but I do apologize for how they were construed. Hopefully when the project is complete it can be looked at as a victory over the old landscape, but used as a learning experience for future work. Have a great Good Friday and Easter weekend (as well as any other lesser known, equally important holidays that I don't wish to unintentionally exclude). I'm outta here.
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