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Everything posted by jwazzz

  1. Was driving by today and noticed that they are putting the cladding up on the lower levels on the Commerce/Fulton corner. Almost caused an accident with my gawking but the quick look I did get was pretty impressive. If anyone else has seen this, could you shed some light on the material they are using? Thanks. (I am continuing my love/hate relationship with this building. There are parts that leave me scratching my head, notably the "siding" used on the upper floors of the tower but there's tons more that point to this maybe becoming one of my favorite new buildings.)
  2. I've held back on commenting on this topic for awhile but it's time to jump back in - jasonsquiresdo, Stay Cold and GR_Urbanist have stated my thoughts exactly and much more eloquently than I could have. I totally agree that the problem is the concentration of these services for the homeless in too small an area. There was a time when South Division was the most "happening" street in GR and it has the potential to lay claim to that title again. I have always lived in parts of GR that were on the cusp - Heritage Hill in the early 70's, Cherry Hill at the beginning of its turnaround and East Hills as well. There were transition issues in each of those neighborhoods but they not only survived but prospered as well. (I currently live on Lake Drive, on the boarder of East Hills and Eastown and consider it the best location in town.) I think Heartside is in that problem transition stage right now. Tons of progress along with the inevitable culture clashes that go with the territory. Downside - while some of us agree that spreading these services around would benefit everyone, there is the NIMBY factor to take into account - where do they relocate that pleases their new neighbors and provides fair access to social services and public transportation that many rely on? When I lived in East Hills, my neighbor was a halfway house for Project Rehab - a noble and needed service for people struggling with addiction but there wasn't a day that went by that I didn't wish they were someplace else. It ended up being a major factor in my decision to sell. I'm beginning to ramble here - good luck to ALL of the residents of Heartside. If I ever do make another move, that would be the neighborhood I would choose - unfortunately, not just yet.
  3. And the headquarters of the GRPD is how many blocks away? I don't think it's the park that has failed, it's the police department - one cruiser parked at Cherry and Division; problem solved.
  4. Drove down Michigan St. this morning on my way to work and got my first views of the new pedestrian bridge. I am going to reserve final judgement on the whole project until it is completed but the two words that came to mind were TRAIN WRECK! This most likely won't be a popular opinion on this site but I think they missed a golden opportunity to add a signature building to our skyline. It's a shame that the VanAndel Institute and its comparatively quiet elegance is going to have to share space with the HDVCH. If they were shooting for a building that screamed CASINO, they nailed it. (So much for reserving judgement, hey?)
  5. I agree - A2 is the only one that looks like it may have been part of the original design.
  6. I hope you're right - love Chipotle but hate 28th St. so I seldom eat there. The variety of restaurant choices within walking distance of my house (Lake Drive and Auburn) is unrivaled anywhere in GR outside of downtown and it just keeps getting better. I was talking to our waitress at Electric Cheetah last week and she said that along with the Electric Eel Noodle Shop, the owner is also considering a third restaurant in the area specializing in pizza. If this keeps up, I'm going to have to move to the suburbs - my wallet is shrinking and my waistline is expanding.
  7. This would be an answer to a long standing prayer of mine and just a short walk from home - there is a god!
  8. Drove by with a friend this afternoon and thought the same thing. I may be way off base but it looks like the parking ramp takes up pretty much all of the space at the corner of Fulton/Division - someone please tell me I'm wrong .
  9. There is a new sculpture at the corner of College and Cherry in front of the castle. Does anyone know if this has anything to do with Art Prize? I'm just wondering if some of the entries will be installed prior to the actual event.
  10. I don't understand the "sports bar" phenomenon and this looks to be a prime example. I seriously thought this trend would have peaked a long time ago - this will be one new spot that won't be on my gotta-check-it-out list.
  11. Well said - it was almost as painful as watching Hannity interview Limbaugh the other day.
  12. Anyone have any info on when Chipotle on 28th is going to open? Love their building and can't help but think of what a great fit it would for the Medical Mile. I know it will never happen because Spectrum owns the property but the spot next door to the new Lake Michigan CU would be perfect.
  13. I like the looks of the UICA part - a GR version of a Morphosis-type design. So build the thing already.
  14. Is it just me or are there a few too many trendy design elements going on with this building?
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