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Everything posted by JTsaysToYou

  1. Wow, I give up, you guys will never see it my way, and neither will the real-estate market. We'll see how fayettevill st. is in 50-75 years, and see how much you like your precious new glassy skyscrapers then. I give up. You guys win.
  2. Despite the name, Fayetteville st. Mall was NEVER a mall. I think something like this is entirely feasible! Just not in the exact center of DT, but kinda near it, maybe on sites 5 or 6 or something?
  3. OKAY GUYS, I am not saying that every old building has value, and that they are all beautiful and gorgeous and have infinite worth. Thats not what I'm saying. I'm saying that the value of the buildings we have now is the feel that they create, I know that many of you only care about height, design, and more height, but I'm saying that sometimes the feel of the street is more important than having a stupid skyscraper. What is RBC going to add to the atmosphere of fayetteville st? Nothing! Sure it'll be big, but all it will add is a glass wall and a little retail! Have you guys never been to big cities and been in their glass alleys of skyscrapers? While it may be tall and amazing this is not what fayetteville st. should be Fayetteville st. should be warm, friendly, and historic. It should not only preserve, but highlight the historic buildings. The taller you go, the smaller and smaller, and the less impressive buildings like briggs hardware, and the capitol get! The more height you have on a street that should be historic, the less historic it will be! Fayetteville st. is PERFECT just the way it is! It has a warm, nice feeling, and when youre there it is friendly, it feels like home! I don't want a bunch of height-lusty huge skyscrapers going up there! If we allow much more development on fayetteville st. it will ruin it! Why is this concept SO hard to understand! Do you want fayetteville st. to be a sunless windtunnel and nothing more, or a place where people can sit around, talk and laugh, and feel at home? I'm not saying that raleigh should never build another skyscraper ever, I'm just saying that we shouldn't ruin fayetteville st. in the process. There are other places to build that aren't historic, that can be glassy wind-tunnels! but WHY does fayetteville st. have to be one too? It seems like all you guys care about is how tall things are, and how nice they look in the moneyshot. WAKE UP Raleigh is not your typical city, Raleigh is special, there is a friendliness and kindess and feeling of love that you don't get in Charlotte or New York or Chicago! Fayetteville st. personifies Raleigh, ask yourselves, do you want raleigh to be a cold sunless windtunnel, or an open sunny kind place to be? Is this so hard to understand?!?!?! Now do you get what I'm saying?
  4. My dad thinks that Angus Barn is over-rated and not as good as its price. I dunno if that's true seeing as I've never been there, but thats what he thinks. And he has had A LOT of buisness dinners in this area.
  5. Oh, I think the whole "rest stop in raleigh" thing was alliteration. I could be wrong though
  6. I completely disagree, I think it should say, "let us, while waiting for new monuments, not forget the value of the old ones, and build the new ones elsewhere." GRRR NO ONE SEES MY POINT
  7. Yeah, We definitly need something to attract people, I think some kind of shopping complex would be nice, just make sure its not in the core of downtown, that could cause MAJOR traffic problems. Although with all the ground-level retail going in all of the developments, who knows when a demand for this kind of space will exist? I think overall it would be a good idea, a better nightlife would be nice too (although glenwood south is very nice). Actually, Glenwood south would be a perfect location for something like this! maybe...
  8. Yeah, Raleigh is moving forward, It'll take a while for the REALLY out there/wacky stuff (A.K.A. Plensa) to take effect, at this point, we're not ready for it yet. We're like a teenager, we're still figuring out who we are, and once we know that, we can move on.
  9. Yeah, there is something about being there in person that is magical, I still am impressed whenever I see it, but the magic is not conveyed in a picture. We need a different money shot.
  10. WOW this forum is ADD, we can't focus on one topic for like two seconds, oh well, I don't think anyone agrees with me anyways, and I'm SURE developers wouldn't. Whatever
  12. Sorry Guys, I'm sure some of my names are way out of whack, but all I had to go by was what emporis and this little brochure I had said. But I think you guys are missing the point of what I'm trying to say. I'm thinking after ALL of the south end of fayetteville is used up, what we do then. And I'm not asking what buildings to demolish, I want to know where else we could go in Raleigh, because after about 2010-2015 I think development on Fayetteville st. should STOP COMPLETELY. Whenever I think of historic buildings and such in bigger cities, it is sad. Such as Boston, if you look at the Old Mass. State House, it is completely surrounded by skyscrapers, and it gets virtually no sun. I think it dwarfs the building, and really takes away form the historic beauty and atmosphere. That is what I don't want for Raleigh, I don't want the absolutely stunning older buildings we have to be side to side with 50+ story glass walls, blocking all sunlight and possibility of an atmosphere. I think fayetteville street will be perfect the way it is after 2010 or so. The perfect mix of historic and modern. Am I the only one who thinks we should develop elsewhere after 2010? I sure hope not, that would be sad. Imagine briggs hardware sandwiched between two fifty story buildings, doesnt that make you sad? I think that Fayetteville st. is as perfect as it will ever get RIGHT NOW, and I don't think that we should ruin that. *sigh*
  13. Today, I took a drive down Fayetteville St. and I realized something, After RBC and all the south end redevelopment it will all be full, There will be no more lots on Fayetteville St. So that leaves us two options, to tear down, or change direction. I think that after about 2010 or so, we should stop developing Fayetteville St. Fayetteville St. has such a wonderful charm to it, just the perfect mix of old and new, and I would really hate for it to turn into sunless-glass skyscraper st. Thats not what it should be. It should be homey, and sunny, and HISTORICAL. I do NOT want to tear down another building on Fayetteville st. (with a few exceptions). So my vote is, after all 2010 or so, develop out, maybe around the progress energy cites, and south, or to the east, but leave fayetteville street intact. I do not want any more BEAUTIFUL buildings torn down for some skyscraper. Some examples of some absolutely stunning buildings that were on fayetteville st. that are no longer there, are: Security National Bank Building Commercial National Bank Building My personal favorite, the cape fear bank building Some other ones (that I could not find pictures of) are the round steps bank building, and the market house/metropolitan hall. I don't want Raleigh destroying the rest of its history, It is too valuable, not to mention, BEAUTIFUL. What do you guys think? Any other historic buildings torn down you can think of?
  14. So I just finished watching the show "Vanished" on Fox, and in it, they were going over Senator Collin's ex-wife's background, and the guy tlaking ot her said "You're broke, you've been living in a studio apartment in Raleigh for the past three years" Or something like that. I FREAKED OUT! My mom and I started applauding, and now I won't be able to sleep. RALEIGH HAS A NAME!!!! They didn't even say Raleigh, North Carolina. Just Raleigh, as if you were supposed to know where it was already! I AM SO HAPPY!!!!!!! In the previews for next week, they had something with a north carolina license plate, so maybe Raleigh will get another mention, I'll keep you guys updated I AM SO HAPPY!
  15. Wasn't saying you did. Just attempting a bit of humor. BTW I love New Orleans a lot!
  16. Ha, and we called the people in New Orleans stupid. We don't even have the ocean and mississippi to deal with. Just a creek!
  17. They definitly need to put a sandwich shop, or something in seaboard. I got to RCHS and the only place realtively close to there for eating is Sunflower's although Sunflower's is great, Something else would be nice too. They would have a nice student base, especially considering peace college, RCHS, and also lots of government workers who work in the archedale complex. As busy as sunflower's ALWAYS is I'm surprised there isnt another place like it!
  18. ^AMEN TO THAT! Downtown is a very central point for me and my friends, its about 20 mins away from all of us. I think that a movie theater would work great, especially because I do think once fayetteville st, is finished it will have a nice atmosphere. Just a little bit more upscale than north hills (if thats possible), I would be fine with a four screen theater that played conventional movies. I just dont want an artsy indy film place, because none of my friends are sophisticated enough for that.
  19. If they build a Movie theater in site 1 I will literally die of happiness. I have been going to school downtown for middle school and high school (exploris middle, and raleigh charter - the two best schools in the county) and there has never been enough reason to stay downtown after school and do stuff, except resturants. AND NOW ME AND MY FRIENDS COULD GO TO MOVIES!!!! EXCITING A LOT!!!! but with the city council the way they are, theyll probably think its too expressive and disturbs the peace of fayetteville street.
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