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fotoman311 last won the day on April 14 2012

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About fotoman311

  • Birthday 03/11/1980

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    "The Woods" in Midtown, Grand Rapids, Michigan
  • Interests
    bicycling, photography, beer, sustainability, cyclocross, music, live theater, local politics

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  1. Yep. https://www.google.com/maps/place/360+Grandville+Ave+SW,+Grand+Rapids,+MI+49503/@42.956537,-85.675551,3a,75y,76.5h,91.85t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1secC29HlqsIrP8ehlKCbHwA!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo0.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3DecC29HlqsIrP8ehlKCbHwA%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D100%26h%3D80%26yaw%3D74.446808%26pitch%3D0!7i13312!8i6656!4m2!3m1!1s0x8819ade7e21c60e5:0xad2ba61ab1980ce7
  2. The one on hall was moved from the original Union Station on Ionia when it was torn down. I could swear I've read a feature article on it's preservation that gave some of the backstory on how that happened, but I can't find it in a quick search. I did find this photo from when it was on Ionia, on pg 5 of this PDF. http://www.historygrandrapids.org/uploads/files/document/IoniaSW.pdf
  3. I think I made my statement poorly. What I'm saying is that I don't thinking making the meters free would have any effect on the number of cars parking in an Ellis lot. It wouldn't "hurt his business" if the meters were free. If there is an open meter spot within walking distance of where someone wants to, they will park in it before choosing to parking in a garage, whether it is free or cost $2/hr. Because of the limited nature of the on-street parking spaces, if you make them free for 2 hours, you're going to reduce turnover in those spaces and essentially drive MORE traffic to the garages because there will be less on-street spaces available. Or, people will just drive around more, looking for an even harder to find free parking space and increasing congestion.
  4. I don't understand your logic. Are you saying that people currently pass up an open metered spot to park in an Ellis garage, because the meters cost too much? I haven't observed this to be the case, and I can't see it happening.
  5. Are we reading the same "Urban" Planet message board???
  6. Any non-profit organization has the this "total platform" "given" to them. That's one of the beautiful things about The Rapidian.
  7. You mean like in a parking lot next to 50 Monroe?? *fingers crossed* haha... The modern proposed design I recall seeing actually seems in line with what I would picture a Hilton-type brand building.
  8. It's a satirical commentary (from a satirical website) expressing Dave's disappointment at the delay in this development due primarily to protests from the existing neighbors.
  9. A friend who works for Display Pack said they were moving to a former Wolverine Worldwide distribution center up a little south of Cedar Springs. If you take the White Pine Trail north of Rockford, you cross a dirt road and there's a big hulking building on your left. He said they are going in there. He didn't mention a timeline for the move, though. https://www.google.com/maps/@43.2138909,-85.5546739,1644m/data=!3m1!1e3
  10. I'm so sad that this amazing work of art is now staring at a giant blank wall. I wish they could have tried harder to do something cool with the alley space.
  11. Yes, that replaced the one on the A&P warehouse that was torn down for the Seidman College of Business building.
  12. I agree with Raildudes Dad. I'd prefer to have more time in Chicago, even if it means I'll get back a little later. I think this will help with the train connections to St. Louis, as well. My recollection when I went to St. Louis 5 years ago was that I had a pretty tight window getting back to Chicago before the GR train left.
  13. Maybe they were going for that indoor portajohn ambience.
  14. I know that it's not currently built. My question is, is it actually going to be built as part of this project, or was it just added to the rendering to make it look prettier than the empty lot that is currently there?
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