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$9mil. 71 hwy intersection planned


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A $9,000,000 project is planned for southern KCMO to create a new 71 Highway Interchange... They are doing it not to relieve congestion, but hopefully to open up development opportunities in that area.

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Yea, however I believe infill shouldn't only occur in the urban core... We have 313.5 square miles... About 200 of that is habitated... We need to fill the rest of the land in, plus create more infill and up building downtown...

The city needs to appeal to suburbanites as well as young people who want to live in the urban core...

I think our city's 2nd priority is stealing people from the burbs...


Hmm, I would think that you'd want to work on the already existing sections of city before you built new. That's just me though, and I'm not familiar much at all with KC. I'm only familar with the decay that occured in Detroit and the inner burbs, mostly because I live amongst the decay.


Anyhow... This sucks because it's NOT in the city limits... I would normally support it if it was in the city limits, however the southernmost part of KCMO is about 130rd Terrace and the intersection is planned for 180th terrace...

  • 10 months later...

Hi, I'm new, and this was one of the main reasons that I wanted to join the forums. I live near this future interchange, work is suppose to begin in a few years and hopefully by 2010 it will be complete. This is at roughly 185th Street, it will be called the North Cass Parkway and it's purpose is to take a lot of traffic off of 58 Highway. Northern Cass County is really booming right now, the cities of Belton and Raymore are building up quickly, the main route through both cities is 58 Highway and with a combined population of nearly 40,000 (and growing at nearly 2,000 a year) the 5 lane road is almost gridlocked during rush hour traffic. It is basically the gateway to the south for both cities, it will basically continue the suburban sprawl a few more miles. The cities will share the interchange each funding 25%, I believe 50% will be covered by MoDot. The interchange is being delayed however because it has to be built following the interstate procedures because the future I-49 may run through. Belton owns the land on the west side of the interchange, and Raymore owns the land on the east side, basically that area of 71 is like "state line" only it's "city line." A large regional shopping center is proposed at the interchange on the Raymore side (because they don't have much shopping like Belton does) and Belton will take smaller shops, but will further develop residential land (as they have been lagging way behind Raymore in the past few years) This will definetly be an interesting project. The future track of this Parkway will run possibly to Pleasant Hill to the east, and potentially connect to Kansas. Just another way to keep Cass County sprawling.


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