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Is there a rivalry with Pittsburgh?


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growing up it was always

"Beat Cleveland"

I wonder how serious a rivalry it is, with only 100 some miles seperating us concert dates, the NBA and NHL, Airlines, and Fortune 500s usually only pick one of us, in some ways we need each other only to say "at least we beat Cleveland". Interested in hearing your thoughts on this.

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I believe that the rivalry between the two cities is based on sports. The two cities must compete with each other for business and wealth, just as Cleveland has to compete with other mid-sized cities in it's home state (Columbus, Cincinnati, Toledo). I don't think there is a need to say "at least we beat Cleveland", or "at least we beat Pittsburgh" because the two cities are in the same predicament right now: Both have population losses, shrinking tax bases, job losses, both are trying to lure people back into the city and into downtown, both cities are looking at merging with the county (which might start a new rivalry, because Pittsburgh would be the 7th largest city and Cleveland would be the 6th), and I could go on and on. I'm sure there are some Clevelanders who can't get over the fact that the Steelers stomped the Browns in every single game they played in the 70's, which would cause them to dislike Pittsburgh a bit. They're getting old and need to shut up. The same goes for those in Pittsburgh (or any other city for that matter) who refer to Cleveland as "The Mistake on the Lake". Those days are way behind Cleveland. It's time to move on, cuz Cleveland put that behiind itself a long time ago. All in all, I believe any rivalry between the two cities is based on sports and trickles down from that.

By the way, I think Pittsburgh is a beautiful city with a lot going for it. It made a good impression on me the couple of times I visited there!!! B)

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