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This editorial is spot on. This issue is key to almost everyone posted on this board. Tally has to diversify BADLY. I have heard talk for years....but talk isn't diversifitication. Private industry is......and there isn't anywhere close to enough of it in this area. How many years ago was it that all those politicians went to Austin, Madison, and Raliegh? What was learned from that? What lesson was followed? Where is the production? Depending on govt jobs is the biggest mistake this area makes by far.....and keeps it from realizing the potential so many here talk about.

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SJ your linky-dink isn't working or at least on my computer it isn't.

I think folks from this region learned a lot from their visits to other cities, however I think they don't know how to parlay what they see into action. I'm just basing this on my experience w/Gaines Street. Most of the movers and shakers I've come into contact with since working on the Gaines project seem to understand the need to diversity, they just don't know exactly how to do it. Desloge on the County Commission and Bill Law of the EDC definitely understand this need and problem. It seems that all the other buffoons don't and bog the whole situation down.

Sauls, Desloge and Depuy are up for re-election this November on the County Commission. I think all but Desloge should go when you are talking about economic development. However getting rid of Sauls probably isn't going to happen. Her constituents out on Hwy 20 seem to love her as much as those that support Proctor in D1. Sauls is a nice lady, but she's ineffective as a county leader. Depuy is just too divisive on the Commission and if you've ever watched or attended a meeting, you'll notice his manners aren't the best w/the public. However I would take him over Sauls, bad teeth and all when it comes to trying to diversify our local economy.

Who is up for re-election on the City Commission and when?

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Great insight. Interesting info.

It is a shame. Tally voters only harm their own pocket book when they don't elect politicians who understand how to attract private industry. This area is about to hit hard due to hurting higher ed and massive budget decreases in the state. I wish the area would wise up.

"Who is up for re-election on the City Commission and when? "

I don't know. Good question.

Here is the right link:


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Great insight. Interesting info.

It is a shame. Tally voters only harm their own pocket book when they don't elect politicians who understand how to attract private industry. This area is about to hit hard due to hurting higher ed and massive budget decreases in the state. I wish the area would wise up.

"Who is up for re-election on the City Commission and when? "

I don't know. Good question.

Here is the right link:


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I voted for Mustian the first time and was eager to see what he could do on the commission. However after seeing him in action via the Gaines Street projects, I'm not very impressed at all. He champions himself as Mr. Downtown, however in questioning him about certain things, I've found this group here knows a lot more about downtown than Commissioner Mustian. While he's a very nice guy, I find him not to be a very strong leader especially when working for Gaines St. and the downtown area. Even if he was a strong leader in those areas, I still would not vote for him again b/c of all the City Commissioners, he was the most reluctant to vote for Torrey Pines package even though he eventually did AND he was the ONLY City Commissioner to vote against Tuborcor.

I did not know until I started having meetings w/him lately that he is married to Bernie Sliger's daughter. It's such an incestuous kingdom for those that run and make Tally's major decisions. IMHO our best bet for economic diversity is to elect someone that has no connections to this kingdom and is not a lawyer or career politician.

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Yikes! That was a pretty low blow on my part. Currently my mouth is open and I can taste my toe jam. My apologies to you personally and as I firmly believe there's always an exception to every rule, even those that I make up myself. To clarify that statement, on the subject of diversifying our local economy, I'd prefer to have commissioners that are not attorneys that lobby or work primarily w/state government and make most of their money from the public trough. Now if a local attorney wanted to run for office and was say in something like real estate law or the likes, now that attorney IMHO would make a perfect candidate. :)
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Of course, I'd settle for someone from any professional background with a general understanding of the process, some creativity, follow-through and the type of character/humility to hold themselves accountable for reaching goals and fulfilling promises (and being honest and forthright with their constituents when they don't). :tough:
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Pornstar... ^_^

I was upset to hear that the Gov is pushing so hard to get the biomedical sector going in S.Fla. I think we could have really use some help like that. I mean, a hard working mayor can do alot for a city- But the Governor can do a ton more.

Crist must be aware of the tally economy and its dire need to diversify. He must see that the university and fleeting lawmakers cannot support the jewel that his capital city should be. I mean, if i wanted to make a major impact on a city, i would pick a managable one who's statistical gains would speak louder.

I would love to see green industry promoted and recruited. Even a plant that made green cleaning agents, with a clean system, would fit perfectly within our facade of enviromental concearns.

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"what are some best-fit industries for our community stjoe? "

Prior to the state handing out all these huge financial incentives for research in other parts of the state (Scripps, Torrey Pines), I would of said research. But that ship has likely sailed as research has a STRONG tendency to cluster. So the local area is out on that one.

Plus the local universities are very limited...neither strong or well positioned for future competition.

For a while I was hoping St Joe Company and FSU would be able to pull a big aircraft company (can't remember the name)....I was hoping aviation could be the future, but it was lost to Alabama.

I think the reality is.......I don't see a viable alternative for the area. The ONLY signficant advantage IMHO is the FSU Mag Lab, but that really hasn't produced anything of critical mass. Whether that is due to an area with limited vision or just the technology is limited....I don't know.

I just don't see any growing high paying industry. I think if Tally had acted after the Austin, Madison, Raliegh trips....things would be different. Now, I don't know the answers.....maybe that is the answer. There is nothing for Tally but lower middle class type jobs. I don't know.

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While I definitely understand your point SJ, but never say never. Things are always changing and who knows what the next big thing that will be coming down the pike.

The Mag Lab is still a definite plus. The state and local entities need to put more money in it to compete w/China and Europe b/c they are building bigger better Mag Labs and we need someone to run w/that ball and hype it up and bring more companies here for that industry.

Also this Green thing Tally has embraced quite quickly. Is there any future in that type of industry and if so, exactly what encompasses that industry? I know very little about it as you can tell.

Another answer is local incubators like what the link to this article was about. Look at what they are doing at The University of South Carolina. Surely if they can do something like this, we can too.

We've got to get the right leaders in to help us do this. That IMHO is our biggest negative and hurdle. It can't be those in the old guard or the good ole boy's/gal's club. Our leaders shouldn't be those who know the right people, it should be those who have the right knowledge. If you look at many of our most powerful organizations in town from the Chamber to the Commissions and their appointed boards, all the members read like an incestuous high school popularity club. People like Kearney and Law need to be the leaders in this region, not most of the ones we are stuck w/now. If we solve the economic problems in this area by diversifying the economy, many of our other problems that our commissioner squabble over constantly will begin to just solve themselves.

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This was my thought even before I read what you wrote. I really think there is the possibility here to create a solid Green Industry in Tallahassee. Everything from the production of Solar Panels, Magnetic-Based Products, Bio-Friendly products... that, in my mind, is the future of this community.
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Do you know if KCCI's Greenovations which will morph in a few months into the group called Sustainable Tallahassee is working on this piece of the puzzle? Or are they just working to promote more green buildings etc? It would be nice if the Green Industry had a united voice to promote economic development in this area. The fire's hot now on this subject. If we wait and commission study after study waiting for folks like Commissioner Lightsey to make up her mind about something, this ship too will have sailed.
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Do you know if KCCI's Greenovations which will morph in a few months into the group called Sustainable Tallahassee is working on this piece of the puzzle? Or are they just working to promote more green buildings etc? It would be nice if the Green Industry had a united voice to promote economic development in this area. The fire's hot now on this subject. If we wait and commission study after study waiting for folks like Commissioner Lightsey to make up her mind about something, this ship too will have sailed.
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