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Can Pgh have a mayor who is not an old party machine relic


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For a while I wanted to give the guy a chance. But he just keeps on doing crap that he should know better than.

At this point I am 100% sure I'll be voting for DeSantis. My only regret is that if he wins and does some great stuff (which I hope he does) we'll never hear the end of people saying "See, all we needed was a Republican!" I think DeSantis is a good candidate (although I still find him vaguely annoying in a way I can't put my finger on). But I don't think it's his political affiliantion that makes him a good choice .

Oh well, as long as we get a good mayor I'll be happy.

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The political affiliation is meaningless... DeSantis is way more progressive than Ravenstahl... who is the epitome of the greasy old-boys network. DeSantis is all about economic reality, social liberalism and operational transparency. It's a shame many Pittsburgh voters won't be able to see past the D and the R.

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While I agree on a local level, D's and R's matter less and if I lived in the city, would happily vote for DeSantis, there is a reason why people for vote based on the letter after the name, party platform's. Again it matters less on a city level, but is significant for the state legislature and Congress. I know that a Republican in Harrisburg and in DC will vote in assinine ways, so until the the GOP platform changes, they won't get my vote. Period.

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I know what you guys mean... I never thought I'd consider a Republican, but decided a couple months ago that I'd vote for DeSantis.

AFter all of the ridiculous frat boy antics of Ravenstahl, I've now taken the leap to putting a DeSantis sign in my yard.

(Plus it doesn't hurt that DeSantis seems like he'd make a good mayor.)

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