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Historic Apartment Buildings on Detroit's Seward St.


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LMich had asked in another thread for some pictures of the apartment buildings along Seward St. just north of New Center Commons and instead of posting all of them in the other thread, I decided to create a new thread for them. These pics are actually several years old, but I dug them up for this thread, so enjoy. Seward St is located directly between Virgina Park and New Center Commons and is one of the few streets in Detroit that is dominated by apartment buildings. It's probably the closest thing to a Manhattan neighborhood Detroit has.















This last pic is fuzzy, but I liked it because it shows a dad walking his two kids to school down the street.


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Thanks for the tour! I haven't been up that way in a while.

Jason, the neighborhood is ok. It's really hit or miss. Some of the buildings are bad (lots of low-lifes and drug users living in them), while others are ok. My friend lived up on Seward Street for years and never had any problems. I've looked there myself, but the lack of secured parking for the most of buildings there is an issue since I have to commute to the burbs every day.

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I had looked at a couple of apartments in the buildings photographed, when I moved to Detroit. What struck me was the condition of the neighborhood as a whole. It appeared that every home in a small radius of Seward was occupied and in great condition. I would guess that there is a very strong neighborhood association in that area.

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