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2005 State and CMSA Estimates


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Oklahoma 2005 Population Estimates

State (By county:http://www.census.gov/popest/counties/tables/CO-EST2005-01-40.xls)

2005: 3,547,884

2004: 3,523,546

# Change: 24,338

%Change: +0.6%

OKC and Tulsa CMSA growth accounted for about 23,000 of the statewide growth. That's unfortunate, but with new programs like the Rural Economic Development Initiative, which encourages people to live in rural Oklahoma, I think that will start to change in the next few years.

Tulsa CMSA

Tulsa county accounted for OVER HALF of its 2000-2005 growth in 2004-05 alone! That likely means very good news for the recently declining Tulsa city proper population.

County 2005 Est 2004 Est # Change

.Tulsa County 572,059 568,611 3,448

.Rogers County 80,757 79,032 1,725

.Creek County 68,708 68,647 61

.Wagoner County 64,183 62,793 1,390

.Washington Cnty 49,149 49,066 83

.Osage County 45,416 45,073 343

.Okmulgee County 39,732 39,764 -32

.Pawnee County 16,860 16,793 67

936,864 929,779 7,085

Meaning at current patterns Tulsa CMSA will grow to 972,289 by 2010. But I expect to see a speedup in Tulsa MSA growth (more than already), so let's shoot for 1 million...

Oklahoma City CMSA

Note: I did these first so they aren't as organized as the Tulsa ones.. sorry. :-P

2005 Estimates

.Oklahoma County 684,543

.Cleveland County 224,898

.Canadian County 98,701

.Pottawatomie County 68,272

.Grady County 49,369

.Logan County 36,894

.Lincoln County 32,311

.McClain County 30,096

OKC CMSA: 1,225,084

# Growth

OK County:5,045








Total growth: 14,975

That's 15,000 new citizens every year, meaning 1,300,084 by 2010 Census.

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